Insider information
- GlassdoorVisitors can learn what others are saying about a company, sometimes in exchange for providing their own company reviews and salary information.
These web sites are intended for prospective applicants. Much of the information comes from anonymous employees who visit the pages. Remember, though, that the best insiders are people you know. Try to develop networks of people in your field and get the scuttlebutt from them!
- FirstHandCornell students have access to a unique service that provides "insider" views of companies and industries. FirstHand (formerly known as Vault) provides insider information that include glimpses into a company's corporate culture, salary negotiation, interview tips, and more. You can also find diversity profiles, career advice, internships, salary surveys, message boards, and more. You must create a personal user account using your Cornell email address to access FirstHand.
Company Contacts
The resources below help users identify and contact company leaders. ILR students should also take advantage of networking opportunities made available through faculty contacts, family, friends, and the ILR School's Career Services office.
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)The website of this major U.S. association for HR practitioners provides a wealth of information for its members and for the public. Additional electronic content is available at the ILR Library. Please ask for assistance at the ILR Reference Desk.
- Leadership ConnectFormerly Leadership Library, Leadership Connect allows searching and browsing within individual directories or across all directories using single or multiple criteria, such as name, job title, industry, and geographical location.