ILR WIDE Zotero group library
The Zotero group library is a curated list of books, articles, and other materials around DEI topics. The main focus is on Intergroup Dialogue, but the bibliography has expanded to DEI in other areas as well. It continues to grow. You can sort the materials by using the tags.
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Article Databases
- Articles & Full TextProvides access to nearly 800 million items, including scholarly journal articles, newspaper articles, ebook chapters and audio/visual resources. Also draws from digital repositories from colleges, universities, research centers, and other open-access archives on the web. Can be a convenient place to start.
- ABI/InformABI/Inform, an extensive international business and management database, contains bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text of articles appearing in professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines published worldwide. ABI/Inform covers the areas of accounting, banking, computers, economics, engineering management, communications, finance, health care, human resources, insurance, international trends, law, management, marketing, public administration, real estate, taxation, transportation.
- Alt-PressWatchFull text database of selected newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative and independent press. Basic or advanced subject searching takes you to in-depth articles on contemporary society, including coverage of the peace movement, ecology and the environment, labor, indigenous peoples, public policy, and grassroots organizing. This coverage of diverse points of view and perspectives complements the reporting in the mainstream press.
- AltPress IndexSubjects covered include anarchism, democracy, ecology, feminism, gay and lesbian issues, indigenous peoples, labor, national liberation, and socialism.
- Annual ReviewsAnnually-published overview/synthesis of important topics in the study of 40 disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences.
- Business Source CompleteBusiness Source Complete provides full text for scholarly business journals and other sources, including full text for more than 1,800 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for top scholarly journals, including the Harvard Business Review. It also includes industry and country reports from Euromonitor and company and industry reports from Datamonitor.
- Ethnic NewsWatchEthnic NewsWatch is a full-text collection of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press from 1960.
- GenderWatchA full text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas, including family, childbirth, birth control, daycare, domestic abuse, work and the workplace, sexual harassment, aging, aging parents, body image, eating disorders and social and societal roles.
- PsycINFOContains citations and summaries of the international literature in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences, including psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, education, pharmacology, and linguistics. Includes applied psychology, communication systems, developmental psychology, educational psychology, experimental human and animal psychology, personality, physical and psychological disorders, physiological psychology and intervention, professional personnel and issues, psychometrics, social processes and issues, sports psychology and leisure, and treatment and prevention.
- Race Relations AbstractsRace Relations Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Records are selected from many of the top titles within the discipline, including Race, Ethnicity & Education and Ethnic & Racial Studies.--About the database.
- Sociological AbstractsAbstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Provides citations from 1963 to the present, and abstracts since 1974, to journal articles, conference papers, books, and dissertations. Subjects covered include community development, culture and social structure, demography and human biology, environmental interactions, family and social welfare, health and medicine and law, religion and science, social psychology and group interactions, welfare services, and women's studies.
- Sociology Source UltimateAn expanded version of SocINDEX, including greater coverage of peer-reviewed journals, international resources and open access titles. Provides citations and direct links to the texts of journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings, some as far back as 1880. Comprehensive coverage encompassing sub-disciplines and related areas of the social sciences, including labor, crime, demography, economic sociology, immigration, ethnic, racial and gender studies, family, political sociology, religion, development, social psychology, social structure, social work, socio-cultural anthropology, social history, theory, methodology, and more.”
- Human Resources (Bloomberg Law)Starting point for HR practitioners. HR policies, laws and regulations. Practical guidance and tools, surveys and reports. Tabs across top include United States, International, Payroll, and News.
These full text journals are a good place to stay current in research, as well as getting started on finding information on your topic.
- AAPI Nexus
- Academy of Management Annals
- Academy of Management Journal
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
- Black Enterprise
- Communication Theory
- Conflict Resolution Quarterly
- Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal
- Diverse Issues in Education
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Equity & Excellence in Education
- Gender, Work and Organization
- Harvard Business Review
- Human Resource Management
- ILR Review
- INSIGHT into Diversity
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Journal of Black Psychology
- Journal of Black Studies
- Journal of Business Diversity
- Journal of Cultural Diversity
- Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
- Journal of Human Resources
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- Journal of Social Issues
- Management Science
- Organization Science
- Personnel Psychology
- Race, Ethnicity & Education
- Strategic Management Journal
Find News & Practitioner Analysis
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)The website of this major U.S. association for HR practitioners provides a wealth of information for its members and for the public. Additional electronic content is available at the ILR Library. Please ask for assistance at the ILR Reference Desk.
- Human Resources (Bloomberg Law)Starting point for HR practitioners. HR policies, laws and regulations. Practical guidance and tools, surveys and reports. Tabs across top include United States, International, Payroll, and News.
- Labor & Employment Practice Center (Bloomberg Law)Formerly the Bloomberg BNA Labor & Employment Law Resource Center, the Bloomberg Law Labor & Employment Practice Center is a searchable database which provides access to various types of legal information about labor issues in the United States. Has sections called: Daily labor report, Disabilities law, Discrimination law, Individual employment rights, Labor arbitration & collective bargaining, Labor relations, Occupational safety, Wages, hours, and leave. Also includes: Affirmative action compliance manual for federal contractors, Affirmative action compliance newsletter, Americans with Disabilities Act manual, Americans with Disabilities Act manual. Newsletter, Collective bargaining negotiations and contracts, Collective bargaining bulletin, Construction labor report, Daily labor report, Employment discrimination report, Employment law practice tools, EEOC compliance manual, EEO compliance newsletter, Government employee relations report, International labor and employment laws (3rd ed.), Labor relations week, Workplace immigration report, Workplace law report, Verdicts and settlements.
- World at Work (formerly American Compensation Association)WorldatWork is a professional association for compensation professionals.
- FactivaFull-text online service for international news and business information. Covers over 28,000 sources in 23 languages in more than 150 countries. Some company and market research is included. Factiva includes full-text coverage of the Wall Street Journal.
- Workplace - The Source for Diversity Talent is a career web site for corporate and executive recruiters who want to reach experienced, high caliber diversity candidates. Advanced search technology, insider company research, and award winning career content combine to make this site a long-term professional resource.
- IMDiversityMore than a diversity recruiting and job search site with employer profiles, career development resources and news, this site features extensive information links and focused resources organized in six villages to address specific group concerns; African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, Native-American, Women and Minority Global.
- HRE - Human Resource Executive OnlineHuman Resource Executive magazine was established in 1987 and continues today as the premier publication focused on strategic issues in HR. Written primarily for vice presidents and directors of human resources, the magazine provides these key decision-makers with news, profiles of HR visionaries and success stories of human resource innovators.
- Human Resources NewsNews for Human Resources practitioners from Bloomberg Law.
- "Know" - UCLA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion ClearinghouseSimply put, “Know” will be our clearinghouse for helpful facts and resources on various pressing subjects.
Ebooks and Treatises
- Emerald business, Management & Economics ebook Series CollectionThis collection includes 400 volumes in 65 series with new content added each year. Featuring titles from the highly regarded JAI imprint, the collection covers subjects such as strategy, accounting and finance, organizational studies and economics. The books are available in both html and PDF formats, and can be cross searched with Emerald journals.
- Bloomberg Corporate Practice CenterNews and analysis, cases, federal and state statutes and regulations, BNA Portfolios, and BNA titles including Corporate Compliance Manual, Executive & Director Compensation Reference Guide, Corporate Law & Accountability Report, Corporate Counsel Weekly, Corporate Governance Report, and Prevention of Corporate Liability
- Bloomberg Law DEI Practical GuidanceOverviews, checklists, guidance, and treatises around DEI topics.
- Bloomberg DEI in the WorkplacePractical guidance, checklists, Risk Mitigation, Initiatives and Policies around DEI in the workplace, curated by Bloomberg Law.