Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL), Fiscal Policy Institute (FPI), Interaction Institute for Social Change, Just Cities, League of Women Voters, Strategic Action for a Just Economy (SAJE), Shelterforce
Data / Technical
CityLab, Civic Dashboards, Data-Smart City Solutions, Human Transit, Government Technology, Morphocode, Open Data, StreetLight Data, TheCityFix, The Dirt, The World Bank, Urban Spatial, Xiaoji Chen Design Blog
CityLab, Curbed, Institute of Town Planners India (ITPI), Meeting of the Minds, , Next City, New York YIMBY, Partnership for Working Families, Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), The Strategy Center, Urban Edge, ZoneLaw
Aaron Renn, Architecture Here and There, Laane, Market Urbanism, Participatory Economy, Rational Urbanism, Strong Towns, The Black Urbanist
Developing Economics, Growth Economics Blog, Market Urbanism
Institutional / Research
Brookings, CityLab, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), NewGeography, Next City, TheCityFix, The World Bank, UN-Habitat, USAID
Car Free America, CityTalk, CityObservatory, Next City, Pop-Up City, Project for Public Spaces, Streetsblog USA, Streets MN, TheCityFix, Urban Edge, World Streets
Second Avenue Sagas, Carbusters, City Science, CityLab, Human Transit, TheCityFix, Transport Policy Matters, Transportation Research Board
Institutional / Professional
American Planning Association, Curbed, Human Transit, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), Living Cities, Mass Transit, Meeting of the Minds, Newgeography, Planetizen, PlanningResource, Sidewalk Labs, TheCityFix, The Urbanist, Urban Sharing
Physical / Technical
Alta Planning, Gehl, Human Transit, The Overhead Wire, Transport for Development (World Bank)
Adaptation / Resiliency
American Planning Association, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability, Brookings, CityLab, CityTalk, Climate Resilience Consulting, ClimateLinks, Common Edge, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), LegalPlanet, Planetizen, Re:wild, Switzer Foundation, TheCityFix, The Conversation, UN-Habitat, Union of Concerned Scientists, U.S. Green Building Council, World Resources Institute
Beginning Farmers, Civil Eats, FoodTank, Julian Agyeman, The Conversation, Sustainable Table
Affordable Housing Online, Housing Virginia, Next City, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
American Planning Association, Arch Daily, Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health, City Parks Alliance, CityLab, CityObservatory, Common Edge, Design Trust for Public Space, Gehl, Hong King Public Space Initiative, Imagine Cities, International Parking and Mobility Institute, NewGeography, Planetizen, Placemaking Resource, Project for Public Spaces, Studio for Public Spaces, The Architect's Newspaper, The Black Urbanism, TheCityFix, The Municipal Art Society of New York, The National Consortium for Creative Placemaking, UN Women
Tactical Urbanism
Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), City Monitor, CityLab, IBI Group, Ideaswa, Meeting of the Minds, Next City, Project for Public Spaces, SPUR, TED, The World Bank, Urban Land Magazine, Urbanism Speakeasy, Walk [Your City]
Civic Blogger, Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), The Urbanist, TheCityFix