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ILRLR 2810 Migrations: Histories, Controversies, and Perspectives: Citing Sources & Academic Integrity

Keep track of your research!

Even if you don't use the citation management options described below, it is vital that you track the research you do, both in this class and others during your time at Cornell. Keeping track of the topics you've researched and the results you've found will keep you from going over the same ground multiple times, and allow you to move your research forward consistently.

You can use what's called a research log to track this information. There are many options available; this one allows you to track the process from the start, while this one provides specific guidance on tracking search results. Feel free to contact us about what method might work best for you, but remember: even making a list of search terms and links in a Google Doc or Box Note will pay off down the line!

Zotero basics



Zotero is a free, powerful, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze citations and sources such as pdfs and Web sites, and then share the results of your research.

Learn more: Get Started


ZoteroBib is a free, quick, and easy bibliography and citation maker that saves time and trouble.

Add sources using the ZoteroBib search box. Then, copy and paste the complete bibliography (or footnotes or in-text citations) into your paper in the citation style of your choice.

Academic Integrity

The Code of Academic Integrity is Cornell University's official guideline concerning honesty in academic pursuits. One example of violating this code is stated as "knowingly representing the work of others as one's own." It is important to cite the work of others if you use or refer to it in your work.

For guidance in appropriately crediting the work of others when researching and writing, see the College of Arts and Science's website, Recognizing and Avoiding Plagiarism. Some of your professors may use the plagiarism detection software TurnitIn. For more information, see TurnitIn: Information for Students

For brief guides on MLA, APA, and Chicago Manual citation styles, as well as an overview of citation management software options, see Cornell University Library's Citation Management page.

ZoteroBib is a free service that helps you build a bibliography or generate citations instantly from any device, without creating an account or installing software.