Tips for Finding Articles

  • The easiest way to find articles is to use the Articles & Full Text option on the library homepage.
  • A more precise way to search for articles is to select and browse Research Guides on the library homepage, especially those recommended in this and other library guides.
  • In the databases, choose the advanced or guided searches (usually 3 lines) to help you correctly format your search.
  • Use OR between your search terms to broaden the search to include any of the terms. 
  • Use AND between your search terms to narrow the search to include all the terms.
  • Find full text within the databases in html or pdf format.
  • Use the GetIt!Cornell to link to full text found outside of the database.
  • Ask a Librarian if you need further help!  

Selected Article Databases

Tips for Finding Books

  1. Your first search should be a very general keyword search.
  2. Never use a, an, or the when searching for a title.
  3. Always use the long view to review subject headings.
  4. If a record says "networked resource" it is usually available online.
  5. Always pay attention to the call numbers and note whether the material is shelved in the regular, oversized (+), or double oversized (++) sections.

Finding Books

Potential books to start with

Can't Get the Book at Cornell?

Use Requests on the Library homepage to:
  • Hold, recall, request materials from the Annex, and library-to-library book delivery.
  • Interlibrary Loan material that Cornell does not own from libraries worldwide.
  • Borrow Direct is a reciprocal borrowing program among the Ivies. If Cornell's copy is unavailable, you can borrow it from another Ivy. It is fast -- usually only a few days!