Browsing the collection virtually

If you want to browse items that are shelved together because they share a topic, you can do so using the library catalog's virtual shelf browse feature, or by browsing call numbers by list. These features will show not only similar volumes across all of our libraries, but also similar digital items. And if you find promising titles, you can request scans of tables of contents or of specific sections to help you determine which are most likely to be relevant before making a contactless pickup request.

This page will show you how to use both of these features. And don't forget that we offer a tutorial on how to find books, and you can always Ask A Librarian if you need additional assistance!

Virtual shelf browse

To use our virtual shelf browse feature, you can start from an item that you found helpful from the library catalog. Just scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see a display of related items by call number, with images of those items' covers when available.

You can use the arrow buttons at the top of the virtual shelf brows display, or the scroll bar at the bottom, to navigate through the related books, just as if you were looking at a physical shelf. You'll also see a drop down menu that lets you choose the call number you want to work with, if more than one is relevant.

Screenshot of the catalog record of an item, with elements of the virtual shelf browse feature highlighed.


To see more items, just click on the Expanded View link!

Screenshot of the virtual browse feature with the Expanded View link highlighted.

This will let you view more items on the page, and you can use the same tools to navigate among those items. Both views will tell you if the items are available, and you can click on the title to take you to the item record.

Screenshot of the expanded view of the virtual shelf browse feature.

Once you identify physical items of interest, click on request scan or request item.

At any time, you can use the View Type drop down menu to switch from Virtual view to List view; this page also includes instructions on how to use List view.

List browse

To browse a list of relevant call numbers, enter the beginning of the call number of an item that you found helpful into the search box of the library catalog.

Screenshot of where the call number can be located in a catalog entry.


Then choose call number browse in the pull-down menu next to the search box and click the search icon. (Note, you can also get to call number browse directly by using this link.)
Screenshot of entering a call number into the search box, and choosing "Call Number Browse" from the dropdown menu.

This will bring you to a list of items with similar call numbers.

Screenshot of the list view display.

At any time, you can use the View Type drop down menu to switch from List view to Virtual view; this page also includes instructions on how to use Virtual view, also know as our Virtual Shelf Browse feature.

Once you identify physical items of interest, click on request scan or request item.

Screenshot of where to find the request scan or request item button

And don't forget: if you have any questions, you can always Ask A Librarian!

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