Oxford Handbooks
Oxford Handbooks Online: Scholarly Research Reviews
The articles are reviews of scholarly research by leading scholars. Most helpful will be:
Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO)
- Oxford Bibliographies OnlineDeveloped cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects, including archaeology, history, Classical Studies, and more.
General & Field Methods
- Archaeology byCall Number: Olin Library CC165 .R41 2012; Also 2008, 2004 and 2000 editionsIntroductory and comprehensive coverage of archaeological subjects; from its history and excavation research to interpretation and public understanding. Includes short at-a-glance summaries of major points. Useful glossary and suggested reading list at the end of each chapter.
- Handbook of Archaeological Sciences byCall Number: Olin Library Oversize CC75 .H34x 2001 +
- Field Methods in Archaeology byCall Number: Olin Library CC75 .H47 1997Comprehensive guide that provides an up-to-date overview of the variety of methods used in field archaeology, from research design to excavation strategies to conservation of artifacts and record-keeping.
Tip: Search the CUL Catalog using Archaeology Field work as a Subject Heading to find more resources.
Dating Methods
- Chronometric Dating in Archaeology byCall Number: Olin Library CC78 .C46x 1997Twelve chapters covering the major dating techniques written by experts in the field: climatostratigraphy, dendrochronology, radiocarbon, potassium-argon, fission-track, uranium series, luminescence, electron spin resonance, protein and amino acid diagenesis, obsidian hydration, archaeomagnetic and rock varnish. Bibliographic references and index included.
- Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils byCall Number: Olin Library CC78 .O25x 1999; also in ebook via title linkSeven chapters covering topics on relative dating techniques :seriation, cross-dating and stratigraphic principles, with an emphasis on examples from North America. Well-illustrated and indexed.
- Spatial Technology and Archaeology byCall Number: Olin Library CC80.6 .W48x 2002Twelve chapters with the aim of providing introductory and basic information to archaeologists on how GIS works. This book is not a description of how to use such typical programs as ArcView or GenaMap, but rather introduces the reader to the history and ideas underlying GIS.
- Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems byCall Number: Fine Arts Library (Rand Hall) G70.212 .D46 2009Accessible introduction to the concepts of geographic and spatial inquiry needed for GIS.
Human Remains
- Human Skeletal Remains byCall Number: Olin Library Oversize GN70 .U23z 1999 +Efficient introduction to the kinds of data human remains can offer, and the guidelines for excavating, processing and analyzing them. The book is well-illustrated and includes numerous tables for age, sex and stature estimates, among others. Useful glossary and bibliography make this a good reference source for the introductory student.
- Human Osteology byCall Number: Mann Library QM101 .B31x 1995
- Human Osteology byCall Number: Mann Library GN70 .W45x 2000Excellent photographic atlas of human osteology. Serves as basic reference and field manual for anatomists, forensic scientists, paleontologists, and archaeologists.
Animal Remains
- Hyman's Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy byCall Number: Mann Library QL805 .H9 1979 ; Library Annex QL805 .H99 1979
Tip: Search the CUL Catalog using Anatomy, Comparative--Laboratory manuals as a Subject Heading to find more resources.
- Zooarchaeology byCall Number: Olin Library Oversize CC79.5.A5 R45x 1999 +Overview of the field of zooarchaeology with focus on the recovery, identification and analysis of animal remains, primarily those associated with site formation processes, subsistence strategies and paleoenvironments. Animals discussed include vertebrate and invertebrates. Includes an extensive bibliography and appendices with taxonomic lists, anatomical drawings and management of reference collections.
Tip: Search the CUL Catalog using Animal Remains (archaeology) >as a Subject Heading to find more resources.
Plant Remains
- Paleoethnobotany byCall Number: Mann Library CC79.5.P5 P36x 2000Definitive source for the study of plant remains. Presents approaches and techniques on identification and interpretation of macroremains.
Tip: Search the CUL Catalog using Plant Remains (archaeology) as a Subject Heading to find more resources
- Ceramics for the Archaeologist byCall Number: Fine Arts Library (Rand Hall) NK4235 .S54 1971
- Pottery Technology byCall Number: Olin Library Oversize CC79.5.P6 R99 +
- Pottery Analysis byCall Number: Olin Library NK3780 .R53 1987Reference source that examines in detail the methods for studying and understanding ceramics. For the beginner as well as the practising archaeologist. References for further research accompany each chapter.
Stone Tools & Debitage (Lithics)
- Stone Tools byCall Number: Olin Library GN799.T6 S83x 1996Collection of essays on curation, stone tools and complex societies, projectile points, microwear and refitting studies.
- Lithic Debitage byCall Number: Olin Library GN799.T6 L56x 2001Collection of essays that provide an historical overview as well as sources of debitage variation and examples of debitage analysis. Well indexed with a bibliography at end of book.