For most precise searching, search databases individually.

Arctic Animals in the Polar Regions

llustration of arctic animals from Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Regions (1830), by Sir John Lesley, Robert Jameson, and Hugh Murray (1830).

How to find articles

Three Steps

1.  Find a database by browsing the list here, or on the Library home page's Databases by name or subject.

2.  Click on the link to get into the database.

3.  Search the database for articles.

Database Tips

Databases identify and locate articles published in magazines, journals and newspapers. Many databases also index essays, book chapters and monographs.

Tip 1: Many databases provide full-text of journal articles.

Tip 2: If the database does not provide full-text, use Get it! Cornell or search the library catalog for the journal title (or book title). This will provide you with Cornell's holdings of the journal (in both print and electronic form).

Tip 3: For more precise searching, it is best to search the databases individually (rather than using Articles & Full Text search).

Film Reviews

Looking for film reviews?

Cornell's Guide to Library Research on Film lists databases that include sources of film reviews.

How to Identify Scholarly Journal Articles

Evaluating the sources you find is a crucial step in the process of scholarly research. The questions you ask about books, periodical articles, or multimedia sources are similar whether you're looking at a citation to the item or have the item in hand.

Read:  Distinguishing Scholarly from Non-Scholarly Periodicals: A Checklist of Criteria.
Shows how to evaluate periodicals by looking at their format, intended audience, and appearance.

Searching Articles and Databases (accessible)

Select and search appropriate databases to discover useful articles

Try  focused searching by looking in individual, subject-specific databases. The database list is browsable by title and subject area.

Image: screen shot of Cornell University Library home page with databases link highlighted

Recommended databases