PC or Mac?

The installation instructions Access Anywhere is generally the same whether you are on a PC or a Mac since it is installed in a web browser rather than the on the device itself. The screenshots and instructions included here may look different if  the PC version of a browser is different than the Mac version, if the browser has updated, and depending on the age and operating system of your computer.

Microsoft Edge

Install Access Anywhere in Microsoft Edge

In Edge, bookmarks are called favorites.

  1. Make sure the Favorites bar is visible (usually displayed under the address bar).
    • Open up the Favorites menu by clicking the favorites icon (looks like a star with three vertical lines) OR by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + O (PC) or COMMAND + OPTION + B (Mac) simultaneously on your keyboard.
    • Within the Favorites menu, select "More options" (three horizontal dots icon). Set the "Show Favorites Bar" option to "Always"
  2. Go to the Access Anywhere page on the library website.
  3. Click and drag the Access Anywhere icon onto your favorites bar.