Databases (Cornell Access) - Accessible
Oxford Islamic Studies Online Current — Oxford Islamic Studies Online is a comprehensive reference center with a global perspective and is a source of timely, reliable, and accessible information on the history, peoples, beliefs, individuals, and cultures that constitute the world of Islam. The site includes two essential English-language interpretations of the Qur'an, the first electronic version of the standard Concordance used by English-speaking scholars around the world, and primary source documents. Special features and tools include timelines, Qur'an Verse Look-up, a Date Converter for Western and Islamic calendar dates, and more.
Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thought [Online] Olin Library Oversize BP161.3 .B56 2006 + The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thought reflects the variety of trends, voices, and opinions in the contemporary Muslim intellectual scene. It challenges Western misconceptions about the modern Muslim world, demonstrating that it is far from being a monolithic religious, cultural and intellectual phenomenon. The companion consists of 36 significant essays written by contemporary Muslim writers and scholars who represent a plethora of perspectives on the contemporary Muslim world. These essays revolve around such issues as Islamic tradition, modernity, globalization, feminism, the West, the USA, reform, and secularism. They explore the history, range, and future of these issues in contemporary Muslim societies. Furthermore, they help readers to situate Islamic intellectual history in the context of Western intellectual trends and issues.
Blackwell Companion to the Qur'an Olin Library Oversize BP130.4 .B57 2006 + The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’an is a reader’s guide, a true companion for anyone who wishes to read and understand the Qur’an as a text and as a vital piece of Muslim life. Comprises over 30 original essays by leading scholars. Provides exceptionally broad coverage - considering the structure, content and rhetoric of the Qur’an; how Muslims have interpreted the text and how they interact with it; and the Qur’an’s place in Islam. Features notes, an extensive bibliography, indexes of names, Qur’an citations, topics, and technical terms.
Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology Olin Library BP166.1 .C36 2008 Part I. Historical Perspectives: 1. Qur'an and hadith 2. The early creed 3. Islamic philosophy (falsafa) 4. The developed kalām tradition 5. The social construction of orthodoxy Part II. Themes: 6. God: essence and attributes 7. Creation 8. Ethics 9. Revelation 10. The existence of God 11. Worship 12. Theological dimensions of Islamic law 13. Theology and Sufism 14. Epistemology and divine discourse 15. Eschatology.
CERIS (The Consortium for Educational Resources on Islamic Studies) gathers and links resources that will help users better understand Islam and the Islamic world. CERIS,a collaboration of academic, non-profit, and religious organizations in the tri-state area (Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia), is based out of 4100 Posvar Hall. Pitt is a member of CERIS.
Conflict and conquest in the Islamic world : a historical encyclopedia / Alexander Mikaberidze. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c[2011]. Documents the extensive military history of the Islamic world between the 7th century and the present (wars, revolutions, sieges, institutions, leaders, armies, weapons, and other aspects of wars and military life). Includes over 600 A–Z entries, many with accompanying images. Provides a convenient glossary of commonly used Islamic military terms. This reference work covers relevant historical information regarding Islam in Middle Eastern regions and countries, North Africa, Central Asia, Southeastern Asia, and Oceania.
Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World
The book series Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World offers political and economic reports about the countries of the Islamic world from the mid-1970s until the present-day. The series is an invaluable resource for researchers and is also suitable for classroom use.
Current trends in Islamist ideology (Online) – [Journal/Periodical - English]. Washington, D.C. : Hudson Institute. Issued by the Center on Islam, Democracy, and The Future of the Muslim World at the Hudson Institute.
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History Online is a general online history of relations between the faiths. It covers the period from 600 to 1500, when encounters took place through the extended Mediterranean basin and are recorded in Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin and other languages.
A Concordance of the Qur'an by Hanna E. Kassis; Fazlur Rahman (Foreword by) Call Number: Olin Reference BP133 .K19 - ISBN: 0520043278. Publication Date: 1983-12-28 Uses transliterated Arabic terms. Arrangement is according to the Latin alphabet, but words are found under their Arabic roots. The index consists of English terms which refer to the Arabic roots and terms, hence usable even for non-Arabic speakers. ONLINE in Oxford Islamic Studies Online.
Historical Atlas of Islam Online G1786.S1 R9 2004 [Orig.: An historical atlas of Islam = atlas historique de l'Islam / edited by sous la direction de Hugh Kennedy]. From linguistic regions of the Islamic world to Iran under the Caliphate and the Greater Delhi Sultanate, a broad variety of topics is covered. New maps include: Yemen and the Hadramaut, Central Arabia and the Wahhabi expansion, Iran in the era of the Il-Khans and Timurids, environmental regions of the Muslim world, the fertile crescent in early Ottoman times, the Caucasus in early Islamic times, the Maghrib in the age of Almoravids and Almohads and many other regional groups. A wide variety of new city maps has been added including Sanaa, Damascus, Aleppo, Mosul, Baghdad, Cairo, Isfahan, Shiraz, Bukhara, Samarkand, Cordoba, Granada and Delhi.
Islamic Law Online Database an online bibliographic database of materials relating to Islamic legal studies. This database was established by the Centre for Islamic Law and Society to compliment the Asian Law Centre's Asian Law Online. Offered to the public as a free service to assist students, scholars and practitioners of Islamic legal studies, Islamic Law Online is a collection of English language materials on Islam available throughout the world. It includes books, chapters in books, journal articles and theses.
Click here to access the Islamic Law Online database.
Islam : political impact, 1908-1972 : British documentary sources [Slough, England] : Archive Editions, 2004. English This work presents a documentary survey of the impact of Islam in the early and mid twentieth century with particular reference to its political and international dimensions. The intention is to make available to scholars a broad research base of primary materials for the modern period reflecting Islamic affairs and expansion in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. While such a project cannot be comprehensive, it is hoped that the wide range of geographical references will provide many starting points for further enquiry. Other Archive Editions titles explore certain topics in greater depth, including the history of the Hajj, the Hashimite dynasty, the Arab League, pan-Arab and Islamic movements, and other matters.
Islamic Law Online Database Islamic Law Online is an online bibliographic database of materials relating to Islamic legal studies. This database was established by the Centre for Islamic Law and Society to compliment the Asian Law Centre's Asian Law Online. Offered to the public as a free service to assist students, scholars and practitioners of Islamic legal studies, Islamic Law Online is a collection of English language materials on Islam available throughout the world. It includes books, chapters in books, journal articles and theses.
Click here to access the Islamic Law Online database.
Twentieth century religious thought : Volume II, Islam [2015]- Database [Alexandria, VA] : Alexander Street Press, [2015]- (English) focuses on modern Islamic theology and tradition and details Islam's evolution from the late 19th century by examining printed works and rare documents by Muslim writers, both non-Western and Western voices.
أمهات الكتب العربية المطبوعة من المكتبة البريطانية / Early Arabic printed books from the British Library 2015- Farmington Hills, Michigan : Gale Cengage Learning, [2015]-
Topics on Modern Muslim Women Database Compiled by: Rubina Ramji, Lucy MacDonald and Alyssa MacDougall. This research database offers articles and media dealing with topics on Muslim women. [Religion and Diversity Project, hosted at the University of Ottawa,]
Muslims of the Midwest (USA) digital archive features numerous interviews and resources that will be of interest to scholars and students alike. The archive is housed at Michigan State University and was largely funded by a University of Illinois Humanities Without Walls grant.
Islamic Movements in the Arab World, 1913-1966 by
ISBN: 1852078006Publication Date: 1998-04-30This set examines the progression of pan-Islamic organisations, movements and activists extant in the Arab states in the early twentieth century, particularly in the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia), Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and most of the Maghreb states, together with the involvement of Islamic institutions in regularising and interceding in aspects of both religious and secular life. The contents include primary source material on: early fundamentalist (Wahhabi) support for King Abdul Aziz from 1913; repercussions following the end of the Caliphate, 1920s; the World Islamic Conference in Mecca, 1926, opened by King Abdul Aziz; plans for a Pan-Islamic League, 1919; pan-Islamic activity in Jerusalem; Islamic propaganda missions to the Maghreb states; Saudi proposal for an Islamic pact; records of numerous Islamic conferences from the 1930s to the 1960s.Muslim Women Online by
ISBN: 9780415596978Publication Date: 2011-12-01While issues surrounding Muslim women are common in the international media, the voices of Muslim women themselves are largely absent from media coverage & despite the rapidly increasing presence of Muslim women in online groups & discussions, it is still a relatively unexplored topic.
[Contents] Oxford Islamic Studies Online - Accessible
Oxford Islamic Studies Online (Home)
Encompassing over 5,000 A–Z reference entries, chapters from scholarly and introductory works, Qur'anic materials, primary sources, images, maps, and timelines, Oxford Islamic Studies Online offers a multi-layered reference experience designed to provide a first stop for anyone needing information and context on Islam. The current core content titles include the following:
- The Oxford Handbook of Islam and Politics (2013) provides a comprehensive analysis of what we know and where we are in the study of political Islam. It enables scholars, students, and policymakers to understand the interaction of Islam and politics and the multiple and diverse roles of Islamic movements, as well as issues of authoritarianism and democratization, religious extremism and terrorism regionally and globally.
- The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art & Architecture (March 2009), a three-volume reference work offering the most comprehensive coverage of Islamic art throughout the world, beginning with the inception of Islam and continuing to the present day
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World (March 2009), a six-volume work covering the full geographical and historical extent of Islam. Starting in 2011, the OEIW has expanded to include updated spinoff editions, including The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women (2013), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics (2014), and The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam (2014).
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, available in full on the site with access to archived articles that have been updated in the new Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World
- The Islamic World: Past and Present, an accessible A–Z reference covering key people, events and concepts in Islamic history
- The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, in addition to being an integral part of the cross-searchable site content, all 2,500 entries in this authoritative quick reference are free to the public. Anyone can access or cite Dictionary content by using the on-site browse or major Web search engines
- The Oxford History of Islam, a chaptered work containing authoritative essays by leading Muslim and non-Muslim scholars on the origins of the faith, arts, sciences, and history to the present-day situation of Islam
- What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam, a question-and-answer guide by John L. Esposito, in which he responds to the most commonly asked questions about Muslim culture and Islam with thoughtful, unbiased replies
- Teaching Islam, edited by Brannon M. Wheeler for the American Academy of Religion's Teaching Religious Studies series, this work brings together leading scholars to offer perspectives on how to teach Islam
- Makers of Contemporary Islam, a chaptered work by OISO editor in chief John L. Esposito and senior editor John O. Voll that explores the lives and thought of some of contemporary Islam's most important thinkers
- Two Oxford World's Classics versions of the Qur'an: M.A.S. Abdel Haleem's The Qur'an, a prose translation, and The Koran Interpreted, a renowned verse translation by A.J. Arberry
- Hanna Kassis' Concordance of the Qur'an.
Online Encyclopedias (Cornell Access) - Accessible
Encyclopaedia Islamica Encyclopaedia Islamica Online is based on the abridged and edited translation of the Persian Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, one of the most comprehensive sources on Islam and the Muslim world. A unique feature of the Encyclopaedia Islamica Online lies in the attention given to Shiʿi Islam and its rich and diverse heritage. In addition to providing entries on important themes, subjects and personages in Islam generally, Encyclopaedia Islamica Online offers the Western reader an opportunity to appreciate the various dimensions of Shiʿi Islam, the Persian contribution to Islamic civilization, and the spiritual dimensions of the Islamic tradition.
Encyclopaedia of Islam Second Edition Current— Encyclopaedia of Islam Online (EI Online) sets out the present state of knowledge of the Islamic World and is a unique reference tool, an essential key to understanding the world of Islam. It includes biographical articles on distinguished Muslims of every age and land, on tribes and dynasties, on the crafts and sciences, on political and religious institutions, on the geography, ethnography, flora and fauna of the various countries and on the history, topography and monuments of the major towns and cities. In its geographical and historical scope it encompasses the old Arabo-Islamic empire, the Islamic countries of Iran, Central Asia, the Indian sub-continent and Indonesia, the Ottoman Empire and all other Islamic countries.
The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2007-<2014> The new edition (1960–2005) offered vastly expanded coverage (more than 11,000 pages, in twelve volumes), and in the long course of its appearance increasingly reflected new trends in scholarship on Islam and Muslim societies, in terms of both method and content.
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World Online & [print]Olin Library Reference (Non-Circulating) Oversize BP40 .E525x 2004 + Looks at Islam's role in the modern world, doing so in context of the religion's history and development over the last 13 centuries. Contains thematic articles, biographies of key figures, definitions, illustrations, maps and more.
Encyclopaedia of the Qurʼān Brill's Encyclopaedia of the Quran (EQ) combines alphabetically-arranged articles about the contents of the Quran. It is an encyclopaedic dictionary of quranic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis extended with essays on the most important themes and subjects within quranic studies--Product contents.

SA: EWIC Scholars Database Search Form
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women Call Number: Olin Library Reference (Non-Circulating) Oversize BP173.4 .O94 2013 + ISBN: 9780199764464. Publication Date: 2013-10-16
Provides clear, current, comprehensive information on the major topics of scholarly interest within the study of Islam and women. With more than 450 articles written by leading international experts and with a concentration on contemporary issues, it is a single source for accurate overview articles covering all aspects of this flourishing area of research. Organized around the central conceptual themes in research on Islam and women including Self and Body, Immigration and Minorities, Culture and Expression, Politics and Polity, and Community and Society, as well as Science, Medicine and Education among others, this work examines the scholarship on Islam and women that has expanded exponentially over the past twenty years, as well as cross-pollination between other fields and disciplines.
The Oxford encyclopedia of the Islamic world [Online] New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World' comprehensively covers all aspects of religiopolitics, and culture in Muslim societies throughout the world, as well as the Islamic state law, marriage, social and political movements, women, human rights, Islam in the West, and foreign relations.
Qur'an, Hadith, and Other Religious Texts - Accessible
SHARIAsource "SHARIAsource is a project of the Program in Islamic Law at Harvard Law School, that aims to provide comprehensive content and context on Islamic law in a way that is accessible and useful. It is a Portal into the digital world of Islamic legal studies and related tools from data science and AI. Working with a global team of advisors, senior scholars, and editors, our mission is to organize the world’s information on Islamic law."
Quran, Hadith, commentaries, and other texts: Arabic, English, Turkish, French, German, Malay, Indonesian; sponsored by Harf Information Technology. -
Al-Ghazali's WebsiteOriginally part of Islamic Philosophy Online.
- Ahl Ul-Bayt Islamic Digital Library is created and maintained by the Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project (DILP), a registered Non Profit Organisation that operates through the collaborative effort of volunteers based in many countries around the world. Our objectives are to digitize and present on the Internet quality Islamic resources, related to the history, law, practice, and society of the Islamic religion and the Muslim peoples, with particular emphasis on Twelver Shia Islamic school of thought.
Al-Mostafa.comOnline texts, mostly Arabic language.
Al-MuhaddithEnglish or Arabic. Includes "Al-Muhaddith's Public Library." Qur'an, hadith, fiqh, and dictionaries.
Al-Tafsir.comProvides access to an online collection of Qur'anic commentary (tafsīr), translation, recitation, and other Islamic resources.
Bibliotheca Islamica IntraTextPart of Bibliotheca Religiosa IntraText: Texts, Searching, Concordances, Statistics, Word Frequency, etc. Qur'an, Hadith, and Sufi texts in Western languages.
International Qur'anic Studies AssociationProvides access to online Qur'an resources.
Multilingual Qur'an ProjectMultilingual Qur'an Project Edit/Delete Quick Stats
Uses Qur'an from under CC license. Last updated 2010. Simultaneous-selectable Arabic, Shakir (English), Abdullah Yusufali (English), Pickthal (English), Pooya/M.A. Ali (English + Commentary). -
Sunnah.comCanonical Sunni hadith in English and Arabic.
Tanzil Qur'an NavigatorTanzil was launched in early 2007 with the intention of providing Qur'anic text to be used in websites and applications. The mission of the site's founders was to provide a reliable, standard Qur'anic text for use on the web.
Qur'an Text: Safhat al-Qur'an al-KarimIn Arabic; searchable.
The Qur'an Interpreted by A.J. ArberryVia the Internet Wayback Machine; created in 2003.
The Qur'anic Arabic CorpusWord by word translations of the Qur'an, searchable Qur'an dictionary, syntax, morphology, etc.
Bibliographic Sources & Indexes - Accessible
Index Islamicus 1906-present- Index Islamicus is an international bibliography of publications in European languages covering all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world, including history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages, and literature. The database includes material published by Western orientalists, social scientists and Muslims.
Islamic Book Review Index Library Annex BP161.2 .I79 An annual publication which indexes reviews of books written about the Middle East. Cornell has volumes : 1-11 only (1985-1992).
Oxford Bibliographies: Islamic Studies Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on the range of lived experiences and textual traditions of Muslims as they are articulated in various countries and regions throughout the world. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. Contains a "My OBO" function that allows users to create personalized bibliographies of individual citations from different bibliographies.
Conflict and conquest in the Islamic world : a historical encyclopedia /Alexander Mikaberidze. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c[2011]. A Historical Encyclopedia provides hundreds of entries on wars, revolutions, sieges, institutions, leaders, armies, weapons, and other aspects of wars and military life, enabling readers to understand the complex role conflict has played in Islamic life throughout history and see how Islamic warfare has evolved over the centuries. This reference work covers not only the traditional Middle Eastern regions and countries but also provides relevant historical information regarding Islam in North Africa, Central Asia, Southeastern Asia, and Oceania.
أمهات الكتب العربية المطبوعة من المكتبة البريطانية / Early Arabic printed books from the British Library 2015- Farmington Hills, Michigan : Gale Cengage Learning, [2015]-
Islamic Library "Worlds Largest Free Online Islamic Books Library."
المكتبة الشاملة – Maktabah Shamilah – Islamic Library A library on the various Islamic sciences [only Arabic]
* Islamic Library | Shia Islamic PDFs * Shiavault - a Vault of Shia Islamic Books *مكتبة الشيعة * Shia Library (A Great Collection Of Books From Shia Sect)
SHARIAsource"SHARIAsource is a project of the Program in Islamic Law at Harvard Law School, that aims to provide comprehensive content and context on Islamic law in a way that is accessible and useful. It is a Portal into the digital world of Islamic legal studies and related tools from data science and AI. Working with a global team of advisors, senior scholars, and editors, our mission is to organize the world’s information on Islamic law."
Thesaurus d'Epigraphie Islamique, Edition 2020/Conceived and directed by L. KALUS, co-directed by F. BAUDEN, developed by F. SOUDAN. "This project aims to bring together all the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish (or even in other languages) inscriptions of the Muslim world until the year 1000 AH, that is to say, the period usually identified as the Middle Ages.
"Uyghurkitap, an online digital collection of Uyghur documents, is now open to public. The library contains 6,400 documents, including 500 manuscripts, 1,500 newspapers and magazines, and ~ 4,000 Uyghur language books."
Islamic Movements in the Arab World, 1913-1966 by
ISBN: 1852078006Publication Date: 1998-04-30This set examines the progression of pan-Islamic organisations, movements and activists extant in the Arab states in the early twentieth century, particularly in the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia), Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and most of the Maghreb states, together with the involvement of Islamic institutions in regularising and interceding in aspects of both religious and secular life. The contents include primary source material on: early fundamentalist (Wahhabi) support for King Abdul Aziz from 1913; repercussions following the end of the Caliphate, 1920s; the World Islamic Conference in Mecca, 1926, opened by King Abdul Aziz; plans for a Pan-Islamic League, 1919; pan-Islamic activity in Jerusalem; Islamic propaganda missions to the Maghreb states; Saudi proposal for an Islamic pact; records of numerous Islamic conferences from the 1930s to the 1960s.