Spotlight * NEW
Arabic Collections Online - Digital Library Arabic Collections Online (ACO) is a publicly available digital library of public domain Arabic language content.
“Qur’an Details search page allows scholars to search among 4,700 detailed entries for historically interesting Qur’an pages, spanning 110 collections from all over the world, and representing all eras and all places of production. Using this facility, scholars can make specialist searches for terms.
Databases (General * Multidisciplinary)

11 Essential Digitized Collections for Middle East Historians - HAZINE
Archives of Arabic cultural and literary journals موقع أرشيف المجلات الأدبية والثقافية العربية
Full-Text Online Arabic Sources: A Preliminary List List of online databases that contain full-text Arabic materials, i.e., which allow for searching within the texts.
Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Digital The series Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, published by Klaus Schwarz Publisherssince 1970, is one of the most important series related to Islamic Studies in Germany. Following an agreement with the publishers in 2009, the ULB Halle started digitizing out of print titles belonging to the series and made them available as Open Access titles in its repository MENAdoc.
Digital Library of the Middle East
"The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Stanford Libraries today announced the release of a public, open platform for the Digital Library of the Middle East (DLME), which aims to become one of the world’s largest online archives of Middle Eastern and North African artifacts. The DLME aggregates, through an ongoing program, digital records of published materials, documents, maps, artifacts, audiovisual recordings, and more from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
An international collaborative effort under development for four years, the DLME currently brings together 127,443 digital records of materials held in museums, libraries, and archives worldwide. It also provides an array of applications, tools, and descriptions that enrich the content and facilitate browsing, search, and interpretation. The DLME is intended to serve as a resource for teachers, students, and researchers, as well as for the general public."
Bibliotheca Alexandrina [English] Arabic
Shamaa provides specialists and stakeholders free internet access to the educational studies produced in the Arab countries, as well as those available through international organizations with whom Shamaa has concluded cooperation agreements. Shamaa also welcomes submissions by researchers on education in the Arab countries produced worldwide. It indexes peer-refereed articles, Master theses and PhD dissertations, books, reports and conference proceedings dated 2007 onward in Arabic, English and French. The database includes bibliographic information, abstracts and, when available, the full text of educational studies
Women of Islamic Studies Women of Islamic Studies is a crowdsourced database of women scholars who work on Muslims and Islam. This ongoing project is in its beta version. Once sufficient data has been collected I will partner with a university for a more stable home.
"Middle East Women’s Activism digital archive is a collection of interviews with 96 women of different generations in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, which form the basis of a monograph, entitled, Embodying Geopolitics: Generations of Women’s Activism in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. All interviews were conducted by Nicola Pratt, University of Warwick, in 2013-2014 as part of a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship exploring the relationship between gender and geopolitics in the context of the Middle East. The research received approval from the University of Warwick Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee and consent was given at the time of interview to make this material publicly available. The archive will be of interest to researchers in the fields of gender studies and post-independence social history in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. The interviews consist of women’s personal narratives of their family background and education, how they became involved in public work (al-‘amal al-‘am), information about their activism and how it has changed over time and the impact of/their involvement in major national events, amongst other details." Middle East Women's Activism
KA Arabic e-library [Minneapolis, Minn.] : East View Publications.@Cornell access A collection of electronic books in Arabic. The collection ranges from contemporary novels to national heritage scientific treatises, with over 4,000 titles written by Arab authors of all genres. [Kotob Arabia Arabic e-library; Kotobarabia Arabic e-library ; Arabic e-library ; Kutubarabia Arabic e-library ; Also known as: KAEL].
Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World
The book series Contemporary Archive of the Islamic World offers political and economic reports about the countries of the Islamic world from the mid-1970s until the present-day. The series is an invaluable resource for researchers and is also suitable for classroom use.
Index Islamicus. 1906- ."Produced by an editorial team based at the London School of Oriental and African Studies, this database covers European-language books, articles, conference proceedings, and reviews of works dealing with all facets of Islam and the Islamic world. Coverage begins with 1906; the database is updated quarterly." [Guide to Reference]. Indexing before 1906: Wolfgang Behn's Index Islamicus 1665-1905: A Bibliography of Articles on Islamic Subjects in Periodicals and Other Collective Publications (Olin Reference Z 7835 .M6 P35) "provides retrospective coverage back to 1665 that is not available through the online Index Islamicus. Behn lists over 21,000 articles from journals, conference proceedings, and collected works in a variety of European languages." [Guide to Reference].
Encyclopedia of Arabic language and linguistics Leiden : Brill / General Editors: Lutz Edzard and Rudolf de Jong
The Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics represents a unique collaboration of a few hundred scholars from around the world and covers all relevant aspects of the study of Arabic and deals with all levels of the language (pre-Classical Arabic, Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, Arabic vernaculars, mixed varieties of Arabic). No other reference work offers this scale of contributions or depth and breadth of coverage.
The Arabic Papyrology Database "The Arabic Papyrology Database is a tool enabling you to access the editions of Arabic documents written on different material such as papyrus, parchment or paper. Those productive editions are an often unraised treasure for almost every aspect of Islamic history up to the 16th c. A.D. "
“Knowledge Production Project” by Jadaliyya, “a dynamic, open-access archive, search tool, and data visualization platform. This project, almost a decade in the making, endeavors to collect, catalogue, and and make available for analysis knowledge produced on the Middle East since 1979 in the English language, in eight databases.”
Qatar Digital Library: A partnerships between the Qatar Foundation, the Qatar National Library and The British Library. A wide range of content, including archives, maps, manuscripts, sound recordings, and photographs. Items are accompanied with notes and links, in both English and Arabic.
Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources (AMIR): A guide for open-access journal and digitized collection put together by librarians Charles Jones and Peter Magierski. Users can sign up for updates.
A Chronology of 19th Century Periodicals in Arabic (1800-1900): Includes indexes for persons, organizations, locations, and holding institutions. The Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), a German research institute devoted to an interdisciplinary and comparative study of the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, South and Southeast Asia from a historical perspective.
Ensani : Portal jami' ulum insani پرتال جامع علوم انسانی
This portal [in Persian only] offers free search and access to journal articles in social sciences and humanities fields (literature, economics, history, education, geography, law, psychology, linguistics, social sciences, Islamic science, political science, library science, philosophy and logic, management, women studies, art studies). Most articles are available as full-text and can be freely downloaded.
Islam and Islamic Studies Resources: A Guide for primary sources (sacred texts, official documents), scholarly materials, tools for students learning Arabic, information about Islamic communities and current issues. Prof. Alan Godlas (Department of Religion, University of Georgia).
Transcultural Islam Research Network: Aims to deepen understanding of Islamic cultures and issues. A project of the Duke Islamic Studies Center, in partnership with the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations and the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. Includes a lot of informative resources, including new publications, research groups, and web resources.
Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926: This collection includes pre-1926 treatises and similar monographs, sourced from the collections of the Yale, George Washington University, and Columbia law libraries, in the following areas: International Law; Comparative Law; Foreign Law; Roman Law; Islamic Law; Jewish Law; and Ancient Law.
Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Relations in the Middle East: "This forum aims to promote the humanistic study of urban religious cultures in the Middle East and North Africa during the Islamic era, i.e., in the period following the rise of Islam in the seventh century. It seeks to draw the attention of researchers to useful resources, and particularly to printed books, manuscripts, and images in the library collections of the University of Pennsylvania."
IRCICA Farabi Digital Library is a project aiming at facilitating and supporting libraries make their digital collections available to worldwide scholars. To do so, IRCICA developed a stand alone software allowing libraries to easily display their digital materials, and hosts the digital library.
The Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question, which it has been developing as part of a joint project with the Palestinian Museum.
The fully bilingual (English–Arabic) platform is entirely devoted to the history of modern Palestine, from the end of the Ottoman era to the present. The Encyclopedia, the first of its kind, was developed for use by academics, students, journalists, and the general public. It currently consists of the following sections:
An Overall Chronology that presents the main events and developments that shaped Palestinian modern history in the realms of war, diplomacy, politics, culture, and economy;
Thematic Chronologies, or subsets of the Overall Chronology, that facilitate access to entries relevant to specific topics;
Highlights, written by leading academics and experts in the field, that cover important events and institutions, political, military and legal-constitutional developments, as well as crucial aspects of Palestinian cultural, social, or economic life or experience;
Biographies of Palestinian intellectuals, artists, leaders, combatants, and politicians who have influenced the history of Palestine since the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries;
Places, the digitized version of the seminal book All That Remains, dedicated to the 418 Palestinian villages destroyed in 1948;
Documents, consisting of hundreds of primary texts, photographs, maps, and charts. The Encyclopedia has come to fruition following years of preparation and several stages of implementation. Throughout this process, utmost attention has been given to introduce a description of the Palestine Question that is simultaneously committed and objective and to present Palestinians as they are—purposeful actors, and not just victims, who build with both successes and setbacks their political, social, and cultural institutions inside and outside Palestine.
Osmanlıca Makaleler Veri Tabanı * Article Database in Ottoman Language / Center for Islamic Studies (İSAM), Istanbul. A database of articles on Turkish history, literature, culture, and art, which includes the bibliographical identification of 52,500 articles and actual digital copies (in pdf).
Digital Sources for the Study of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey * [Click here to download the overview of Digital Sources for the Study of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.]
Database for Ottoman Inscriptions -Osmanli Kitableri Projesi The Database of Ottoman Inscriptions (DOI) is searchable digital database comprising information about, as well as transliterations and pictures of, all the Turkish, Arabic and Persian architectural inscriptions created in the Ottoman lands during Ottoman times. For more information, click here.
Historians of the Ottoman Empire " intends to comprise all the historians who have lived and produced within the geographical limits of the Ottoman Empire -- regardless of the language." The Historians of the Ottoman Empire is intended to be a major reference work for scholars and students of the Middle East, North Africa, South-East Europe, and the Caucasus, as well as for non-specialists interested in the histories and cultures of these regions.
11 Essential Digitized Collections for Middle East Historians - HAZINE
ارشيف المطبوعات السورية | Syrian Prints Archive
Documenting and archiving new Syrian prints (newspapers, magazines, and periodicals) issued after the outbreak of the Syrian Revolution. Making all Syrian prints available on one website, obviating the need to search and surf through tabs of websites and social media webpages. Providing basic information about Syrian prints, including contact info. Classifying and categorizing the Syrian prints according to place of issuance, periodicity of issuance and affiliations. Correcting misprints related to dates of issuance, in addition to converting Hijri calendar to western calendar to enhance the search. Providing surfing, sharing, rating, downloading, and printing features. Providing search within a specified time frame and within texts in PDF files.'
[A digital source on Ottoman/Turkish/Seljuk history] OTurkDigital Archive OTÜRKDİGİTAL was produced under the project of İslâm Selçuklu Ottoman and Turkish World Document prepared and directed by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kala.
Diarna : The Geo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life "Diarna (דיארנא ديارنا “Our homes” in Judeo-Arabic): The Geo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life is working to digitally preserve the physical remnants of Jewish history throughout the region. We are in a race against time to capture site data and record place-based oral histories before even the memories of these communities are lost. Diarna pioneers the synthesis of digital mapping technology, traditional scholarship, and field research, as well as a trove of multimedia documentation. All of these combine to lend a virtual presence and guarantee untrammeled access to Jewish historical sites lest they be forgotten or erased."
Database of Arabic Literature in Western Research: Scholarly books and articles about Arabic literature in western languages (18th century-present). Oxford Literary Publication and Documentation
The Golha Project: A searchable encyclopedia of Persian poetry and music with audio recordings of all of the Golha radio programs (1956-1979), as well as biographies of hundreds of poets and performers. It comprises a database of more than 1000 hours of audio material, searchable by 18 different search criteria such as musical modes, instruments, poetic verse, poetic genre, singer, and songwriter names. Iran Heritage Foundation (IHF).
Brockelmann in English : the history of the Arabic written tradition online 2017- [Leiden, The Netherlands] : Brill, 2017- Online [Translation of: Brockelmann, Carl, 1868-1956. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur.]
Arab Acquis Corpus Arab-Acquis is a large dataset for evaluating machine translation between 22 European languages and Arabic. Arab-Acquis consists of over 12,000 sentences from the JRCAcquis (Acquis Communautaire) corpus translated twice by professional translators, once from English and once from French, and totaling over 600,000 words. This resource was developed at the Computational Approaches to Modeling Language (CAMeL) Lab in New York University Abu Dhabi.
Archnet: Islamic Architecture Community of scholars, students, and professionals working in architecture, planning, landscape design, and the related fields. The project was developed at the University of Texas at Austin and the MIT School of Architecture and Planning in co-operation with the Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
ARTstor Digital Library: Islamic Art and Architecture Collection (Sheila Blair, Jonathan Bloom, Walter Denny); Shangri La, Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art.
The Quranic Arabic Corpus is an annotated linguistic resource for the Quran, including the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word. The corpus provides three levels of analysis: morphological annotation, a syntactic treebank and a semantic ontology. Also includes the full text of the Quran, translation into English, and audio recitations (require iTunes). A free resource under the GNU public license; maintained by the School of Computing, University of Leed.
“Qur’an Details search page allows scholars to search among 4,700 detailed entries for historically interesting Qur’an pages, spanning 110 collections from all over the world, and representing all eras and all places of production. Using this facility, scholars can make specialist searches for terms including: • Qur’an page description (type of illumination, decoration or binding) • Qur’an type (fragment, Juz etc.) • Qur’an Sura reference • Script (kufic, naskh, etc.) • Number of lines per page • Page size (height and width) • Qur’an name (e.g. Oljaytu's Baghdad Qur’an), and • Calligrapher name.
BiblioIslam : provides access to more than 250,000 academic theses, books, journal articles, research essays and conference papers - in English and Arabic.
Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (Georgetown University): "'Of special interest is the Islamic resources link, which pulls together Web sites of major Muslim publications, organizations, and academic programs around the world." (CHOICE Review Online) This website is maanged by Human Assistance and Development International (HADI), a non-profit organization "working for the socoi-economic, seducationalm, and scientific development of people worldwide".
The Omar Ibn Said Collection The Library of Congress has acquired and made available online the Omar Ibn Said Collection, which includes the only known surviving slave narrative written in Arabic in the United States. In 1831, Omar Ibn Said, a wealthy and highly educated man who was captured in West Africa and brought to the United States as a slave, wrote a 15-page autobiography describing his experiences. This manuscript is important not only because it tells the personal story of a slave written by himself, but also because it documents an aspect of the early history of Islam and Muslims in the United States. The Omar Ibn Said Collection consists of 42 original documents in both English and Arabic, including the manuscript in Arabic of “The Life of Omar Ibn Said” – the centerpiece of this unique collection of texts. Other manuscripts include texts in Arabic by another West African slave in Panama and from individuals located in West Africa.
Christian-Muslim Relations by
ISBN: 9789047443681Publication Date: 2009-01-01Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 1 (CMR1) is a history of all the known works on Christian-Muslim relations from 600 to 1500. It comprises introductory essays and over 200 detailed entries containing descriptions, assessments and compehensive bibliographical details of individual works.
Arabic Ontology الأنطولوجيا العربية
A new cross-search dictionary tool from Mustafa Jarrar of Birzeit University. "Linguistic Search Engine: The largest Arabic lexical database:Arabic Ontology + 150 Arabic dictionaries."
Kurdish Digital Library - Kurdish Institute of Paris, The Institute has digitized a thousand books related to Kurds and the Middle East general. Some books can be downloaded as pdf.
The Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic “The Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic aims to oversee the compilation of a historical lexicon of the Arabic language as it has developed over the last two millennia. Once completed, the final work will detail the origins of every word in its corpus and record the transformations in each word’s meaning, in addition to the location of its first appearance. To achieve this, the Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic will rely on an extensive body of primary materials in the Arabic language, drawn from centuries of the Arabic canon.."
Muslims of the Midwest digital archive features numerous interviews and resources that will be of interest to scholars and students alike. The archive is housed at Michigan State University and was largely funded by a University of Illinois Humanities Without Walls grant.
General Databases with International Content (Multidisciplinary)
Index Islamicus This database is a comprehensive index to publications on Islamic subjects throughout the world. Records cover almost 100 years, from 1906 to the present. The scope includes the Middle East, the Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, plus Muslim minorities elsewhere in the world. Over 3,000 journals are monitored for inclusion, together with conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works and book reviews. Journals and books are indexed down to the article and chapter level. Coverage: 1906 - current. [
How to use the database].
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is a comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs. [
How to use the database].
An electronic news article service. It contains newspaper articles, newswire reports and magazine features from a variety of international sources. It has a limit of three simultaneous users. [How to use the database].
ProQuest Research Library It contains bibliographic descriptions, abstracts, and lots of full-text articles covering over 150 subjects and topics such as business, economics, education, health, industrial relations, management, public policy, religion and statistics. ProQuest Research Library provides one-stop access to thousands of full-text periodicals from one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases. Search from a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and magazines. [
How to use the database].
It is a not–for–profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over one thousand academic journals and other scholarly content. Note: JSTOR has a moving wall that excludes the last 3 to 5 years of journal issues. The agreements with publishers establish a lag period for each title that defines the point at which the JSTOR archive stops. [
How to use the database].
Access World News Access World News from NewsBank provides full-text information and perspectives from over 700 international sources. Each newspaper or wire service provides unique coverage of local and regional news, including specific information about local companies, politics, sports, industries, cultural activities, and the people in the community. Paid advertisements are excluded.
World newspaper archive A fully searchable collection of historical newspapers from around the globe. This uniquely comprehensive online resource was created in partnership with the Center for Research Libraries, one of the world's largest and most important newspaper repositories. This collection is comprised of: America's Historical Newspapers - searchable American newspapers enable users to explore America's past. African Newspapers - more than 40 nineteenth- and twentieth-century African newspapers - featuring titles from Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe. South Asian Newspapers - searchable 19th and 20th century newspapers from South Asia. Featuring titles from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Latin American Newspapers - more than 35 nineteenth- and twentieth-century Latin American newspapers. Featuring titles from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela and elsewhere.U.S. Declassified Documents Online Searchable database of previously classified federal records spanning the twentieth and twenty first centuries. The types of materials include intelligence studies, policy papers, diplomatic correspondence, cabinet meeting minutes, briefing materials, and domestic surveillance and military reports. Database allows users to to locate the full text of documents and filter their search results by document type, issue date, source institution, classification level, and date declassified as well as other document characteristics.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) daily reports The Foreign Broadcast Information Service is a United States government operation which translates the text of daily broadcasts, government statements, and select news stories from non-English sources. This edition of the FBIS Daily Reports is comprised of the reports from Middle East and [North] Africa (MEA), 1974-1987.Historical abstracts (Online) Published since 1954, Historical Abstracts currently covers over 1,700 journals published worldwide in over forty languages. The database comprises over 720,000 entries from periodicals, with full-text links to over 135,000 articles and dissertations and masters' theses. Each year, the editors of Historical Abstracts add over 16,000 abstracts and citations, over 3,000 book citations, and over 1,200 citations of dissertations and masters' theses to the database from the current literature and publications. Additional bibliographical entries are also added to the database by editorial projects such as retrospective coverage of journal issues published prior to 1954.
International political science abstracts (Online) Current indexing and abstracting of the world's leading journals in political science
Worldwide political science abstracts Provides citations to the international periodical literature in political science and its complementary fields. The references cited in the bibliography of the source article have been included for citations to core journals in political science, added to the database since 2001, and for all journals added since 2004. Each individual reference may also have links to an abstract and/or to other papers that cite that reference; these references are linked both within Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and across other social science databases available on the ProQuest platform.
Directories & Guides
General Directories (for Research)
International directory of Middle East scholars (1995-) , (also known as: IDMES)
Searchable, detailed information about Middle East Studies scholars throughout the world.
New York: Columbia University
Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies | EBSCO
International research centers directory International research centers directory (Online) Farmington Hills, MI : Gale/Cengage. English. International Research Centers Directory (IRCD) is the most current, comprehensive resource on government, university, and independent nonprofit research organizations in over 150 countries. Research has been broadly defined to include fundamental, applied, and developmental studies, as well as data gathering, analysis, and synthesis activities, outside the United States.
Guide to Finding Interesting Public Domain works Online: The Public Domain Review guide.
Muslims of the Midwest digital archive features numerous interviews and resources that will be of interest to scholars and students alike. The archive is housed at Michigan State University and was largely funded by a University of Illinois Humanities Without Walls grant.
Digital Sources for the Study of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey * [Click here to download the overview of Digital Sources for the Study of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.]
Thesaurus d'Epigraphie Islamique, Edition 2020 / Conceived and directed by L. KALUS, co-directed by F. BAUDEN, developed by F. SOUDAN. "This project aims to bring together all the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish (or even in other languages) inscriptions of the Muslim world until the year 1000 AH, that is to say, the period usually identified as the Middle Ages.
Open Access
The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB.
Academic Journals * Middle East & Islamic Studies (Cornell 8 Selected)
Islamic Studies and the Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies
Alphabetical List of Open Access Historical Newspapers and Other Periodicals in Middle East
Arabic Newspapers of Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine A digitization project from the National Library of Israel which has digitized 27 newspapers from 1908-1948. Project URL:
Directory of Free Arab Journals (DFAJ) : DFAJ collects journals issued in Arabic, English, and French languages in all branches of human knowledge.
The Directory of Open Access Repositories – OpenDOAR – lists several digital repositories in Egypt such as American University in Cairo’s DAR.
Medieval and Early Modern Orients (MEMOs) is an AHRC-funded project that seeks to further knowledge and understanding of the early interactions between England and the Islamic worlds. Through our pages and our blog we hope to create an accessible space to reveal the exciting discoveries of researchers as they navigate the seas of history and literature, and investigate the intersecting webs of our pasts.
Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Digital The series Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, published by Klaus Schwarz Publisherssince 1970, is one of the most important series related to Islamic Studies in Germany. Following an agreement with the publishers in 2009, the ULB Halle started digitizing out of print titles belonging to the series and made them available as Open Access titles in its repository MENAdoc.
Kurdish Digital Library - Kurdish Institute of Paris,
The Institute has digitized a thousand books related to Kurds and the Middle East general. Some books can be downloaded as pdf.
Osmanlıca Makaleler Veri Tabanı * Article Database in Ottoman Language / Center for Islamic Studies (İSAM), Istanbul. A database of articles on Turkish history, literature, culture, and art, which includes the bibliographical identification of 52,500 articles and actual digital copies (in pdf).
IRCICA Farabi Digital Library is a project aiming at facilitating and supporting libraries make their digital collections available to worldwide scholars. To do so, IRCICA developed a stand alone software allowing libraries to easily display their digital materials, and hosts the digital library.
Bibliothèque diplomatique numérique [FRANCE] Ministère français de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères (MEAE). Histoire diplomatique * Documents diplomatiques * Ministères des Affaires étrangères * Des diplomates : formation, récits et portraits * Droit international * Traités, accords et conventions * Protectorats et mandat français * Publications officielles étrangères ou intergouvernementales.
Islamic Painted Page: A database of Islamic Arts of the Book Islamic Painted Page database - a huge free database of references for Persian paintings, Ottoman paintings, Arab paintings and Mughal paintings. This site enables you to locate printed reproductions, commentaries and weblinks for thousands of Islamic paintings, including illuminated "carpet" pages, decorated Quran pages, and book bindings from over 230 collections all over the world.
Digital Muṣḥaf "The Digital Muṣḥaf Project aims to create a database of images of early Qurʾānic fragments from dispersed muṣḥafs or codices of the Qurʾanic text and, as far as possible, virtually re-create the original codices so that they are available for scholars and the public in one place together with descriptions and metadata.
Muslims of the Midwest digital archive features numerous interviews and resources that will be of interest to scholars and students alike. The archive is housed at Michigan State University and was largely funded by a University of Illinois Humanities Without Walls grant.
"The Memory of Modern Egypt" provides access to open sound recordings.
"The Gamal Abdel Nasser Digital Archives" Speeches
Mansucripts Databases
Bibliotheca Alexandrina [English] Arabic
AUC Rare Books and Special Collections Digital Library The Rare Books and Special Collections Digital Library at the American University in Cairo supports research and teaching in the arts, culture, and society of Egypt and the Middle East by providing online access to unique cultural heritage resources.
The mission of the Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative (ISMI) is to make accessible information on all Islamic manuscripts in the exact sciences (astronomy, mathematics, optics, mathematical geography, music, mechanics, and related disciplines), whether in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, or other languages.
Manuscripts | Digital Resources and Projects in Islamic Studies
The Maydan is proud to introduce a new initiative highlighting digital resources and projects in the field of Islamic Studies. Included in this roundup are manuscripts collections, digitized manuscripts, and manuscripts catalogues from universities and libraries around the world. *This is an ongoing project*
Persian Manuscript Materials: This website is dedicated to the study of the material technology of Persian manuscripts. Our goal is to investigate the intricate materials utilized in historical Persian manuscripts, shedding light on the methods and techniques derived from historical recipes mainly between the Taimurid to Qajar dynasties of Persia (15th-19th centuries). Accompanied by images captured during the reconstruction process following the historical recipes, we aim to provide an immersive exploration into the material heritage of Persian manuscripts.
The Omar Ibn Said Collection The Library of Congress has acquired and made available online the Omar Ibn Said Collection, which includes the only known surviving slave narrative written in Arabic in the United States. In 1831, Omar Ibn Said, a wealthy and highly educated man who was captured in West Africa and brought to the United States as a slave, wrote a 15-page autobiography describing his experiences. This manuscript is important not only because it tells the personal story of a slave written by himself, but also because it documents an aspect of the early history of Islam and Muslims in the United States. The Omar Ibn Said Collection consists of 42 original documents in both English and Arabic, including the manuscript in Arabic of “The Life of Omar Ibn Said” – the centerpiece of this unique collection of texts. Other manuscripts include texts in Arabic by another West African slave in Panama and from individuals located in West Africa.
- Annotated Turki Manuscripts from the Jarring Collection Online Chaghatay 2.0 Web site hosts information about late Chaghatay (a variety of Middle Turkic spoken in Central Asia) and its descendants, especially those varieties spoken east of the Pamirs: early modern Uyghur (Turki) and modern Uyghur. The information here stems largely from projects directed by Prof. Arienne M. Dwyer of the University of Kansas and C.M. Sperberg-McQueen of Black Mesa Technologies.
- Open Islamicate Texts Initiative (OpenITI)
- The Zaydi Manuscript Tradition, Institute for Advanced Study
- The Sinai Palimpsests Project
- Mingana Collection, University of Birmingham
- The Minassian Collection of Qur’anic Manuscripts, Brown University
- Princeton Digital Library of Islamic Manuscripts
- Islamic Medical Manuscripts, US National Library of Medicine
- Beinecke Digital Collections, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
- Reading Room, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library
- Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Saint Petersburg
- Orientalische Handschriften, Universität Tübingen
- Digital Bodleian, University of Oxford
- Chester Beatty Library
- Suleymaniye Library
- Islamic Heritage Project, Harvard Library
- The Orient and Eastern Collections, the Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Middle Eastern Special Collections, Leiden University
- Treasures of Islamic Manuscript Painting from the Morgan
- Digitized Arabic Manuscripts at the AUB Libraries
- Minasian Collection, UCLA
- Digital Vatican Library
- Qatar Digital Library
- Digitalisierte Sammlungen, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
- Islamic Manuscripts at the Leipzig University Library
- Marmara University Library and Documentation Department
- Noor Digital Library
- The Oriental Collection, Royal Danish Library
- Arabic Manuscripts Collection, Wellcome Library
- Persian Manuscripts, the British Library
- Islamic Manuscripts, Cambridge Digital Library
- MyManuskrip, University of Malaya Library
- Manuscripts Collections, National Library of Indonesia
Digitized Collections Databases
- AUB Libraries Digital Collections is a gateway to our digitized and preserved collections featuring manuscripts, maps, photos, posters, books, multimedia and other resources. This online growing repository aims to continuously disseminate knowledge about AUB, the region, our history and cultural heritage for the purpose of research, teaching and education. It is also a hub for collaboration with other departments, faculties, scholars in addition to external partners libraries and institutions to support digital scholarship initiatives.
- Arabic Collections Online - Digital Library Arabic Collections Online (ACO) is a publicly available digital library of public domain Arabic language content.
- An Arabic and Middle Eastern Electronic Library
- The Arabic Papyrology Database: Features primary documents reflecting everyday life, legal and administrative practice in the first centuries of Islam.
- Arab American newspapers * Arab American Newspapers Project / Khayrallah Center at NC State University
- Cultural Imaginings: the Creation of the Arab World in the Western Mind: A collaboration between The George Washington University's Gelman Library and Georgetown University's Lauinger Library to digitize about 2,500 monographs and a number of bound manuscripts from the Middle East and North Africa.
- Digital Library of the Middle East
"The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Stanford Libraries today announced the release of a public, open platform for the Digital Library of the Middle East (DLME), which aims to become one of the world’s largest online archives of Middle Eastern and North African artifacts. The DLME aggregates, through an ongoing program, digital records of published materials, documents, maps, artifacts, audiovisual recordings, and more from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The DLME is intended to serve as a resource for teachers, students, and researchers, as well as for the general public." - Islamic Medical and Scientific (IMSE) Database: Georgetown University's Bioethics Library.
Kurdish Digital Library - Kurdish Institute of Paris, The Institute has digitized a thousand books related to Kurds and the Middle East general. Some books can be downloaded as pdf.
The MANUMED Project: Aims to preserve the written and immaterial heritage of the euro-mediterranean area. Partner libraries in the near east: Khalidi Library, Budeiri Library, Al Aqsa Library, Al Ansari Library, The Waqf Restoration Center.
- Middle Eastern and Islamic Resources a the Center for Research Libraries (Arabic manuscripts in the British Library; Arabic manuscripts in the library of SOAS, University of London): ASU Libraries is affiliated member, therefore all CRL materials are available for inter-library loan.
- Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus dedicated to the edition and study of the Arabic and Latin versions of Ptolemy’s astronomical and astrological texts and related material.
- Rare Books and Special Collections Digital Library, the American University in Cairo: Several digital collections, including journal articles, book chapters, and images.
- Sustainable Development of Drylands in Asia & the Middle East Project: The International Arid Lands Consortium offers information about drylands in Asia and the Middle East by country.
- Orient-Digital is the database of Oriental manuscripts at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. The collection comprises 43,000 volumes (manuscripts and block-prints) in more than 140 languages and 70 different scripts from Asia, Africa, and Europe.
[A digital source on Ottoman/Turkish/Seljuk history] OTurkDigital Archive OTÜRKDİGİTAL was produced under the project of İslâm Selçuklu Ottoman and Turkish World Document prepared and directed by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kala.
- Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Digital The series Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, published by Klaus Schwarz Publisherssince 1970, is one of the most important series related to Islamic Studies in Germany. Following an agreement with the publishers in 2009, the ULB Halle started digitizing out of print titles belonging to the series and made them available as Open Access titles in its repository MENAdoc.
- Bibliothèque diplomatique numérique [FRANCE] Ministère français de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères (MEAE). Histoire diplomatique * Documents diplomatiques * Ministères des Affaires étrangères * Des diplomates : formation, récits et portraits * Droit international * Traités, accords et conventions * Protectorats et mandat français * Publications officielles étrangères ou intergouvernementales.
- The Correspondence of Ignaz Goldziher An online database of over 13000 letters in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Islamic Painted Page: A database of Islamic Arts of the Book Islamic Painted Page database - a huge free database of references for Persian paintings, Ottoman paintings, Arab paintings and Mughal paintings. This site enables you to locate printed reproductions, commentaries and weblinks for thousands of Islamic paintings, including illuminated "carpet" pages, decorated Quran pages, and book bindings from over 230 collections all over the world.
Databases of Digitized Collections by COUNTRY
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina [English]
- 444 Days: Selected Records Concerning the Iran Hostage Crisis 1979-1981 / US National Archive – January 2017.
Ghani Collection at Yale. The Ghani Collection is the first phase of the Yale Iranian History Internet Archive (YIHA) project which intends to digitize and make publicly available valuable Persian-language resources at Yale University Libraries and elsewhere, including less-accessible and unknown private collections, related to nineteenth and twentieth-century Iranian and Persianate history. This is an ongoing project that aims to digitize, transcribe, annotate, and make searchable all its holdings.
- Afghanistan Digital Library: A project of New York University Libraries with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities, The Reed Foundation, and the W.L.S. Spencer Foundation.
Afghanistan Digital Collections Unique collection of documents related to Afghanistan history, culture, and its development during the Jihad period and more. ACKU’s permanent collection is the most extensive in the region covering a time of war and social upheaval in the country, with most of the documents in English or the principal languages of Pashto and Dari.
- Digitized Afghanistan Materials in English from the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection: A large collection of materials on Afghanistan in the US. Most of the documents are in English, Persian, and Pashto.
- Memory of Modern Egypt:
- Rare Books and Special Collections Digital Library at the American University in Cairo:
- Egypt's 21st Century Revolution: Oral Histories, Photographs, Video Recordings, and Visual Art.
- The Ramses Wissa Wassef Architectural Drawings
- The Underwood & Underwood Egypt Stereoviews
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) Digital Archives (2006+): A searchable online database that contains more than 600,000 news clippings and documents on the issues of human rights and democratic development in Pakistan
Virtual Museum of Censorship: An online database of censorship cases in Lebanon since the 1940s. MARCH, is a civil movement actively seeking to safekeep the tenets of a peaceful and prosperous Lebanon.
Palestine Poster Project Archives: Created by Dan Walsh as part of his masters' thesis project at Georgetown University.
Crafts of Syria / Dr Marcus Milwright, Professor of Islamic Art and Archaeology, Department of Art History and Visual Studies University of Victoria
"... Many of the monuments and archaeological sites have been looted, with some deliberately destroyed during the conflict. The crafts are another significant component of the rich cultural heritage of Syria, and this site is intended to preserve information on aspects of traditional manufacturing practices of urban and rural areas. It is hoped that this will be a resource for students and researchers working on the material cultures and socio-economic life of Syria and the surrounding regions of the Middle East. This site is organized according to the cities, towns, and other settlements of modern Syria. Within each of these you will find primary written sources, secondary historical studies, ethnographic and archaeological research, and photographs that provide evidence for craft activities conducted in these locations across Syria from the seventh century to the present. The site will also be complemented by a range of resources designed to aid in the study of the craft traditions of this region. Some are already available on the site, and others will be added soon. These comprise: essays dealing with specific aspects of the crafts of Islamic Syria, links to related archives and collections, maps, short biographies of major primary sources, a glossary of technical terms, and a bibliography."
Digital Sources for the Study of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey * [Click here to download the overview of Digital Sources for the Study of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.]
Historiography of Early Modern Ottoman Europe (HOE) Database HOE is a collection of meta-data focusing on historiographical writing of Early Modern Ottoman Europe (1500-1800). It brings together published and unpublished primary sources (chronicles, histories, hagiographies, inscriptions, maps…), as well as secondary material (“Main Section”). It also offers information on specific collections, as well as a wide variety of references to tools and resources useful to those navigating the research questions of Early Modern historiography (“Tools Section”). HOE provides information on the author(s), title(s), contents, manuscript(s) and edition(s) of the main sources related to the topic.
Database for Ottoman Inscriptions -Osmanli Kitableri Projesi The Database of Ottoman Inscriptions (DOI) is searchable digital database comprising information about, as well as transliterations and pictures of, all the Turkish, Arabic and Persian architectural inscriptions created in the Ottoman lands during Ottoman times. For more information, click here.
Bibliothèque diplomatique numérique [FRANCE] Ministère français de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères (MEAE). Histoire diplomatique * Documents diplomatiques * Ministères des Affaires étrangères * Des diplomates : formation, récits et portraits * Droit international * Traités, accords et conventions * Protectorats et mandat français * Publications officielles étrangères ou intergouvernementales.
The Omar Ibn Said Collection The Library of Congress has acquired and made available online the Omar Ibn Said Collection, which includes the only known surviving slave narrative written in Arabic in the United States. In 1831, Omar Ibn Said, a wealthy and highly educated man who was captured in West Africa and brought to the United States as a slave, wrote a 15-page autobiography describing his experiences. This manuscript is important not only because it tells the personal story of a slave written by himself, but also because it documents an aspect of the early history of Islam and Muslims in the United States. The Omar Ibn Said Collection consists of 42 original documents in both English and Arabic, including the manuscript in Arabic of “The Life of Omar Ibn Said” – the centerpiece of this unique collection of texts. Other manuscripts include texts in Arabic by another West African slave in Panama and from individuals located in West Africa.
Kurdish Digital Library - Kurdish Institute of Paris, The Institute has digitized a thousand books related to Kurds and the Middle East general. Some books can be downloaded as pdf.
Medieval and Early Modern Orients (MEMOs) is an AHRC-funded project that seeks to further knowledge and understanding of the early interactions between England and the Islamic worlds. Through our pages and our blog we hope to create an accessible space to reveal the exciting discoveries of researchers as they navigate the seas of history and literature, and investigate the intersecting webs of our pasts.
"Uyghurkitap, an online digital collection of Uyghur documents, is now open to public. The library contains 6,400 documents, including 500 manuscripts, 1,500 newspapers and magazines, and ~ 4,000 Uyghur language books."