We have several dozen microfilm collections relating to labor unions and labor leaders.
Please schedule a zoom appointment here to access any of the microfilm collections listed on this guide.
Here are some labor unions whose microfilm collections we hold: American Federation of Labor (AFL), AFL-CIO, Committee for Industrial Organizations (CIO),Garment Worker Unions (ILGWU, ACWA, ACTWU), Hotel Employees and Restaurant, Employees International Union (HERE), International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Joint Board, Fur, Leather & Machine Workers Union, Mine Workers, New York State Unions, Railroad Unions, Southern Tenant Farmers Union, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and miscellaneous Union Publications.
Individuals include William Green, Samuel Gompers, Max S. Hayes, Elmer F. Cope, John L. Lewis, Katherine Ellickson Pollack, Paul Abelson, Murray Finley, Abraham Rosenberg, Fannia Cohn, Jasper Peyton, Charles S. Zimmerman, Morris Hillquit, William M. Leiserson, Isaac Siegmeister, Joseph Schlossberg, Berman, Hyman, Adolph Germer, Powers Hapgood, George Howell, Oldham Paisley, John Mitchell, Hubert Albertz, Joseph Slight, A. Philip Randolph, Eugene V. Debs, A. E. Lyon, Don McMurry, John R. Commons, Carroll D. Wright, David Cole, Raymond W. Bergan, Cesar Chavez, Sacco and Vanzetti, Robert J. Alexander, George Jacob Holyoake, Fanny Simon, Francis Place, Charles D. Wrege, Morris L. Cooke, Frank Gilbreth, James L. McHale, Elizabeth Glendower Evans, Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Katherine Ellickson Pollack, Anna Weinstock Schneider, A. J. Muste, and Isaac Max Rubinow.
AFL, CIO, and AFL-CIO Microfilm Collections
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
National AFL Conventions on Microfilm 25 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5527 mf
Correspondence and other documents pertaining to national AFL conventions.
Minutes of the Executive Council of AFL, Pt. 2 on Microfilm 19 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5918 mf
Minutes of the Executive Council of American Federation of Labor, 1925-1955.
American Federation of Labor Records, Part 1: Strikes and Agreement File on Microfilm 55 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5757 mf
American Federation of Labor Records, Part 2 on Microfilm 38 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5760 mf
Documents in extensive detail the emergence of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in the 1930s and subsequent competition and cooperation between the CIO and American Federation of Labor (AFL) through the close of that decade, until the early 1950s.
Correspondence of American Federation of Labor President William Green on Microfilm 53 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5402 mf
The collection consists of 43 rolls of microfilm of all letters sent out over William Green's signature during his term as President of the A.F.L. from 1926 to 1952. The first roll is number 2.
Green, William Papers on Microfilm 21 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5761 mf
Correspondents of note include Mother Jones, George Meany, Matthew Woll, Daniel Tobin, President Woodrow Wilson, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and officers of the United Mine Workers of America.
Letterpress Copybooks of Samuel Gompers and William Green, Presidents on Microfilm 343 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5431 mf
Microfilm of letterpress copybooks of AFL presidents Samuel Gompers and William Green.
Hayes, Max S. Papers on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5471 mf
These papers consist primarily of correspondence. Also included are newspaper clippings, an autograph book, and a typed copy of tributes to Hayes.
Cigar Makers International Union Records on Microfilm 6 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5724 mf
Microfilm copy of Cigar Makers' International Union of America records including, agreements, financial statements and membership ledgers
Committee for Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Committee for Industrial Organizations Minutes on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5418 mf
Consist of minutes, reports, correspondence, statements, and manuscripts relating to the early history of the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) and to certain aspects of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, its successor.
Congress of Industrial Organizations Steel Workers Organizing Committee Agreement on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5415 mf
CIO agreement between Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation and the Steelworkers Organizing Committee.
CIO Files of John L. Lewis, Pt. I: Correspondence with CIO Unions on Microfilm 25 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5830 mf
CIO Files of John L. Lewis, Pt. II: CIO General Files on Microfilm 20 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5831 mf
This collection documents the origins and early history of the CIO as well as the dynamics of working-class militancy in the era of the Great Depression. The collection also provides a substantial amount of information concerning workers and trade unionism before the creation of the CIO and also after the UMWA's separation from the CIO in 1942.
Operation Dixie: The CIO Organizing Committee Papers on Microfilm 75 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5747 mf
Pollack, Katherine Ellickson Papers on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5425 mf
The collection consists of meeting minutes, press releases, notes on conferences, speeches, field reports, etc.
AFL-CIO Railway Employees' Department Records on Microfilm 111 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5478 mf
Amendments, Railroad records, Board of Mediation records, Mediation settlement records, meeting minutes, correspondence and office circulars
Cope, Elmer F. Papers on Microfilm 55 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5862 mf
This microfilm edition of the Elmer F. Cope Papers consists of correspondence (50% of collection), reports (20% of collection), newspaper clippings (20% of the collection), and other items (10% of the collection). The other items include bills, travel brochures, tickets, transportation schedules, greeting cards, business cards, appointment books, and calendars. The original papers are held by the Ohio Historical Society, Collection no.137.
Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (HERE)
HERE Financial Records Files on Microfilm 152 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/007 mf
HERE General Executive Board Files on Microfilm 237 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/006 mf
HERE General Office Legal Files on Microfilm 98 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/010 mf
HERE General President's Files on Microfilm 197 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/008 mf
HERE General Secretary-Treasurer's Files on Microfilm. 71 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/009 mf
HERE Joint Executive Board Files on Microfilm. 26 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/012 mf
HERE Official Journals on Microfilm. 28 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/011 mf
HERE Organizing Department Files on Microfilm 70 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/003 mf
HERE. Locals Microfilm Files 156 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6199/004 mf
Industrial Workers of the World Miscellany on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5177 mf
Includes materials related to the labor troubles at Centralia and Everett, Washington. Originals at the Wisconsin State Historical Society.
Joint Board, Fur, Leather & Machine Workers Union Records on Microfilm 33 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5685 mf
Inventory of the Records of the Joint Board of Fur, Leather and Machine Workers I. Papers and correspondence of executive officers including President Ben Gold (1930-53) II. Organizers reports (1935-53) III. Contracts (1935-53)
"History of the United Mine Workers, 1890-1932" Unpublished Manuscript on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5302 mf
This manuscript consists of approximately 110 type-written pages and represents the major portion of Mr. Pascoe's projected history of the United Mine Workers. The material here was written between 1926 and 1932. The manuscript deals mainly with Mr. Pascoe's early organizing activities in Kentucky and with the Illinois "rebellion" of the late twenties and early thirties. Mr. Pascoe's examination of the affair in Illinois differs from most other accounts in that he approaches the events from a "pro-international" point of view.
Germer, Adolph Papers on Microfilm 30 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5809 mf
Correspondence, speeches, subject files, and personal materials of Adolph Germer.
Hapgood, Powers Papers on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5790 mf
Microfilm copies of Powers Hapgood's manuscript
National Federation of Miners and Mine Laborers Second Annual Joint Conference of Miners and Operators Proceedings on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5413 mf
Proceedings of the Second Annual Joint Conference of Miners and Operators, held in Columbus, Ohio on February 8-11, 1887.
Howell, George Papers on Microfilm 25 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5423 mf
Autobiography, diaries, and correspondence of George Howell; also included are minutes of the IWMA, papers of the Trades Union Congress, and news clippings.
International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers Constitutions on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5410 mf
Mine Mill and Smelter Workers Constitutions
World Federation of Trade Unions Reports and Minutes on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5396 mf
Consists of selected materials from 1945 through 1949 microfilmed from the more extensive WFTU collection: 5595 World Federation of Trade Unions, 1945-1973.
United Mine Workers of America District 12 (Ill.) Records on Microfilm 7 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5301 mf
Collection consists of transcripts of joint conventions and conferences of coal mine operators and officials of the United Mine Workers of America (UMW) from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania (1899-1919); joint board meetings between operators and officials of District 12 of the UMW for the purpose of adjusting grievances (1899-1928); and various contracts signed between locals in the Central Competitive Fields and the mine operators (1899-1928).
Western Federation of Miners and International Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Records on Microfilm 9 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5412 mf
Union governance documents (constitutions and collective agreements) and publications, correspondence, tapes of radio broadcasts, reports and other documents regarding the history of the non-ferrous metals industry
Western Federation of Miners Constitutions on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5409 mf
Constitutions of Western Federation of Miners
Lewis, John Llewellyn Papers on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5429 mf
Fragment of personal papers of John L. Lewis, including correspondence, speeches, reports, union records, personal documents, memorabilia, clippings, and photographs.
UMWA District 15 Press Releases and Newspaper Clippings about the "Colorado Strike, 1914" on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5428 mf
Press releases and news clippings concerning the UMW's 1914 Colorado strike.
UMWA Records: Series 1. Joint Conventions and Conference Proceedings on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5301/1 mf
Contains transcripts of joint conventions and conferences between mine operators and union officials of the Central Competitive Fields (CCF) and agreements between these parties (1899-1919). Also proceedings of a District 12 union conference (1918) and a report on union elections (1926-1927).
UMWA Records: Series 2. Joint Grievance Board Transcripts on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5301/2 mf
Transcripts of hearings of joint labor-management grievance boards for District 12, United Mine Workers of America.
Paisley, Oldham Scrapbooks on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5181 mf
Mitchell, John Papers on Microfilm 58 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5502 mf
The papers of John Mitchell contain correspondence (1885-1919), reports and proceedings, pamphlets, and photographs, primarily in connection with Mitchell's leading role in the coal-mining industry, the movement, and in American relations
Alben Barkley Esch-Cummins Bill Correspondence on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5160 mf
Selected correspondence on Railroad Legislation. Includes correspondence relative to the Transportation Act of 1920 (Esch-Cummins Act) and the Barkley-Howell Bill of 1924.
Blacks in the Railroad Industry on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5989 mf
Materials documenting the struggle of black railroad employees.
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Records on Microfilm 30 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5976 mf
This is Series A, Part 1 of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters records.
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Chicago Division, Selected Papers on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5462 mf
Largely intra-union correspondence with A. Philip Randolph and other national officers regarding local organizing efforts, grievances, rival unionism, and other matters of interest to the division. Originals in the Chicago Historical Society.
Randolph, A. Philip Papers on Microfilm 35 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5896 mf
Accompanied by printed reel guide compiled by David H. Werning.
FBI Files on A. Philip Randolph on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6079 mf
Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Series A, Parts 1-3 on Microfilm 21 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6110 mf
Debs, Eugene V. Papers on Microfilm 21 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5713 mf
Papers of the major American socialist figure of the late 19th and early 20th Century
George Novack "Unity Caucus on the Railroads: The Story of the Consolidation Committee of Enginemen" on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5496 mf
Microfilm copy of "Unity Caucus on the Railroads: The Story of the Consolidation Committee of Enginemen." This manuscript is an account of the development of the CCE, including an assessment of its impact.
Collection Number: 5449 mf
Two hundred and twenty-two page report on the 1894 Pullman Strike, written for Joseph Wood, General Manager of the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh, South West System, by J. F. Miller, General Superintendent of the same.
Lyon, A. E. Papers on Microfilm 6 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5450 mf
A collection of historical sketches, recollection of events and experiences, and expressions of A.E. Lyon's opinions and versions of successes and failures all with respect to American railroad labor's interest in what is generally called International Labor Affairs.
Transport Workers Union of America Minutes on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5990 mf
Microfilmed copies of the Transport Workers Union minutes of the meetings of its International Executive Board and International Executive Council.
Switchmen's Union of North America Arbitration on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5406 mf
Arbitration proceedings in the matter of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad (Chicago Switching District); Chicago Great Western Railroad (System, except Twin Cities), Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway (System, except Inver Grove); Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad (System); Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway (Specified Yards); Michigan Central Railroad (West of Detroit River); Pere Marquette Railroad (System); Wisconsin Central Railway (Chicago Switching District); and Switchmen's Union of North America, representing the Yardmen. March 4, 1910.
Switchmen's Union of North America Constitutions on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5405 mf
Constitutions of the Switchmen's Union of North America.
National Railway Labor Conference Records on Microfilm 64 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5205 mf
Selected microfilmed records accumulated by the Western, Eastern and Southeastern Carriers Conference Committees which served as the collective bargaining units for the member railroads in their jurisdictions prior to the establishment of the National Railway Labor Conference.
Pittsburgh Strike of 1877 Riot Papers on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5155 mf
Microfilmed newspaper clippings from the Pittsburgh Strike of 1877.
McMurry, Don Papers on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5655 mf
Consists of two microfilm reels of correspondence of various officials of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad outlining management's strategy for dealing with the 1977 strike.
Southern Tenant Farmers Union
Southern Tenant Farmers Union Records on Microfilm 60 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5204 mf
Consist of correspondence, reports, ledgers, legal documents, leaflets, printed material, photographs, and newspapers published by the union. These document the activities of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union from its origins through its transformations into the National Farm Labor Union in 1946 and the National Agriculture Workers Union in 1952, and through its merger with the Amalgamated Meat Cutters Union in 1960. The records also contain selected materials from the Socialist Party Archives at Duke University and from the Howard A. Kester papers, which document the earliest years of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union. The last sixteen reels document H.L. Mitchell's activities as president of Local 300 of the Allied and Agricultural Workers Union.
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Documents on Microfilm 8 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5718 mf
Microfilm copies of Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Circular Letters, February 20, 1903 - June 22, 1971
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Local 662 (Mt. Morris, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5818 mf
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America District Council, Rochester, NY. Records on Microfilm 6 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5822 mf
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 125 (Utica, NY) Records on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5810 mf
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 1508 (Lyons, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5819 mf
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 240 (East Rochester, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5820 mf
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 3211 (Herkimer, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5828 mf
Minute book of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 3211 (Herkimer, New York), from October 22, 1970 to April 11, 1974.
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 337 (Whitesboro, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5826 mf
Three minute books of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 337 (Whitesboro, New York), dating from 1899 to 1918.
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 502 (Canandaigua, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5817 mf
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 72 (Rochester, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 2 microfilm reelsCollection Number: 5821 mf
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Mohawk Valley District Council of Carpenters Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5827 mf
Five minute books of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, Mohawk Valley District Council of Carpenters, from 1942-1961.
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. Local 187 (Geneva, NY) Records on Microfilm 5 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5686 mf
Minute books, dues books, and correspondence
Garment Worker Unions (ILGWU, ACWA, ACTWU)
"Illustrated History of the United Trades and Labor Council of Erie County," 1897 on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6282 mf
"Lotta Di Classe" on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6162 mf
Abelson, Paul Files on Microfilm. 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6165 mf
ACTWU Fall River Local Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5665 mf
Microfilm copies of ACTWU minute books
ACTWU. Presidential Papers (Murray Finley). Correspondence. Microfiche, 1.8 linear ft.
Collection Number: 5619/036 mf
This collection consists of correspondence from the Office of the President, Murray Finley, of the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers' Union and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Also included are Joint Board correspondence files, Art Gundersheim's general correspondence, and Art Gundersheim's Trade Adjustment Assistance correspondence. This is part of the larger President's Office Files, 5619/036.
ACWA Records Parts 1-3 on Microfilm 61 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5619 mf
Part I: Papers of Sidney and Bessie Hillman, Correspondence, 1911-1970. Reels 1-31. Part II: Papers of Sidney Hillman, New Deal and Wartime Agencies. Reels 1-19. Part III: ACWA Scrapbooks and Press Releases, 1910-1961. Reels 1-11
ACWA Rochester Joint Board Minutes of Meeting on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5273 mf
Social and political issues of concern to the Joint Board as reflected in the minutes include relations with the Socialist Party, the imprisonment of Tom Mooney, the movement to create a Farmer-Labor Party, the plight of immigrants, economic downturns and the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti. The Board supported Jewish charities, aid to Russia and various anti-fascist Italian movements. It also endorsed the La Follette-Wheeler ticket in the 1924 presidential campaign. The Joint Board opposed "class-collaborationism" as expressed in the B&O Plan, attacked "reactionary" labor leaders of the "Gompers and Lewis type," and called for the abolition of militarism.
ACWA Rochester Joint Board Minutes on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5993 mf
ACWA Rochester Joint Board Scrapbooks on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5285 mf
Contains mostly clippings regarding: strikes in 1937-38, and clippings concerning death of Sidney Hillman in 1946.
ILGWU Abraham Rosenberg "Memoirs of a Cloak Maker, 1882-1910" on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5780/159 mf
This collection consists of a microfilm copy of Abraham Rosenberg's Memoirs of a Cloak Maker.
ILGWU American Labor Party News Article Scrapbook on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5780/160 mf
ILGWU Auditing Department Records 41 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/192 MF
ILGWU Collective Bargaining Agreements on Microfilm 14 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/075 mf
Consists of agreements and contracts between the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and associations of garment manufacturers. Also agreements with individual firms in Montreal.
ILGWU Convention Records on Microfilm 5 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/080 mf
Contains reports and proceedings of the conventions of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
ILGWU Education Department, Fannia Cohn Papers on Microfilm 9 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/049 mf
The collection contains correspondence, subject files, speeches, articles, photographs, and programs from Fannia Cohn's term as Executive Secretary of the ILGWU Education Department on microfilm.
ILGWU Education Department, Jasper Peyton Papers Additional on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/086a mf
This collection consists of 4 microfilm copies of "Russian Development of a National Economic Plan, 1941" in Russian.
ILGWU General Executive Board Minutes on Microfilm 18 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/016 mf
Includes the minutes and reports of the General Executive Board of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
ILGWU Joint Board of Locals of Needles Trades Workers Industrial Union Minute Book on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5836 mf
2 microfilm reels. Joint Board of Locals 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 22, 35, 41, 42, 51 & 98
ILGWU Justice on Microfilm 56 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/051 mf
Microfilm copies of issues of the publication Justice.
ILGWU Local 10 Minutes on Microfilm 17 linear feet
Collection Number: 5780/001 mf
This collection contains executive board meeting minutes of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Local 10, the Amalgamated Ladies Garment Cutters Union.
ILGWU Local 22, Charles S. Zimmerman Papers on Microfilm 8 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/014 mf
Primarily correspondence, reports, minutes, newspaper clippings, and broadsides dealing with his activities as a leader in Local 22 (in Series I), as well as his other union and political activities (in Series II). Among the most significant material in the collection is correspondence documenting Zimmerman's activities with the Communist Party in the U.S. and its various factions and splinter groups, as well as other political organizations and figures.
ILGWU Local 25 Publication "L'Operaia" on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/139 mf
Collection contains issues of L'Operaia, the newsletter of Local 25 of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
ILGWU Local 48 Executive Board Minutes on Microfilm 6 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/040 mf
Contains meeting minutes of Local 48's Executive Board from 1920 to 1974.
ILGWU Publication "Gerechtigkeit" (Justice) Digital Files from Microfilm 11 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/185 mf(d)
This collection contains issues of Gerchtigheit, the Yiddish-language edition of the ILGWU's official organ Justice.
ILGWU Publication "Gerechtigkeit" (Justice) on Microfilm 17 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/185 mf
This collection contains issues of Gerchtigheit, the Yiddish-language edition of the ILGWU's official organ Justice.
ILGWU Publication "Giustizia" (Justice) on Microfilm 7 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/186 mf
This collection contains issues of Giustizia, the Italian-language edition of the ILGWU's official organ Justice.
ILGWU Publication "The Ladies' Garment Worker" on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/070 mf
Collection consists of microfilmed issues of the Ladies' Garment Worker published between 1910 and 1918.
ILGWU Robert Lazar's Guide to the Records on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5780 mf
ILGWU Triangle Fire Trial Summary and Partial Transcript on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5780/087 mf
This collection contains a summary and partial transcript of the Triangle Fire trial, People of the State of New York vs. Isaac Harris and Max Blank, as well as issues of New York Journal and New York Evening Journal from March and April 1911.
Illinois House of Representatives Committee on Investigation of the Herrin Massacre transcript of hearings, April 11-May 17, 1923 on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5180 mf
Transcript of testimony heard in April and May of 1923 before an Illinois House of Representatives Committee consisting of the following members: Frank A. McCarthy (chairman), Thomas Curran, Norman G. Flagg, M.L. Igoe, W.B. Phillips, William L. Pierce, and M.P. Rice; also abstract of testimony and exhibits.
Cohn, Fannia M. Papers, 13 microfilm reels.
Collection Number: 5998 mf
Collection consists of correspondence, writings, working papers for seminars and lecture programs, photographs, personal ephemera, and printed matter.
Hillquit, Morris Papers on Microfilm 10 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5430 mf
Includes materials pertaining to the following broad subjects: socialist unity, growth and conflict, 1900- 1913; the war years, 1914-1919; Bolshevism and red-baiting, 1918-1921; fusion politics, 1922-1924; reconstruction and decline of the Socialist Party, 1925-1933; and trade unionism, 1909-1933. This is a microfilm edition of the Morris Hillquit papers, the originals are at the Wisconsin State Historical Society.
Industrial Council of Coat, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers Clipping Collection on Microfilm. 10 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6155 mf
Leiserson, William M. Decisions on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5416 mf
Decisions of the impartial chairman, William M. Leiserson, for the Rochester Clothier's Exchange and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Rochester Joint Board, for the period of October 1919 to September 1921.
United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union Files on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5755 mf
Microfilmed copies of the records of the United Hatters Union.
Trade Union Archives Series Two, part 1 & 2 on Microfilm 26 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6078 mf
New York City Coat and Suit Industry Board of Arbitration and Board of Grievances Meeting Minutes on Microfilm 5 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6154 mf
New York City Mayor's Council of Conciliation for the Cloak, Suit, and Skirt Industry on Microfilm. 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6166 mf
New York State Board of Mediation and Arbitration Glove Manufacturers' Association of Fulton, New York on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5100 mf
Transcript of testimony and decision of the Board concerning the Glove Cutters' strike at Gloversville and Johnstown, NY.
NYU Tamiment Library Collection of National Coat and Suit Recovery Board Documents (copy 2) on Microfilm 19 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6168 mf
NYU Tamiment Library Collection of National Coat and Suit Recovery Board Documents on Microfilm 19 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6167 mf
Stuart, I. R. "A Study of Factors Associated with Inter-group Conflict in the Ladies' Garment Industry in New York City" on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6159mf
Stuart, I. R. "A Study of Factors Associated with Inter-group Conflict in the Ladies' Garment Industry in New York City" on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6159mf
Stoppages in the Cloak and Suit Industry Transcript on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6160mf
Siegmeister, Isaac Decisions as Impartial Chairman of Board of Arbitration of Millinery Industry on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5420 mf
This collection consists of the records of Mr. Siegmeister's activities as Impartial Chairman of the Millinery Industry.
Schlossberg, Joseph, Additional Papers on Microfilm 10 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5868 mf
Berman, Hyman "Era of the Protocol: A Chapter in the History of the ILGWU" on Microfilm 1 reel
Collection Number: 6161 mf
Charles Schaffner Goodman "The Location of Fashion Industries: With Special reference to California Apparel Market" on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6158mf
"L'Adunata dei Refrattari" on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6164 mf
L'Adunata dei refrattari is an Italian American anarchist publication published between 1922 and 1971 in New York City.
"The Working Press" on Microfilm 4 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6180 mf
"Utica Daily Union" on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5834 mf
Collection Number: 5892 mf
Binghamton Central Labor Union Records on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5688 mf
The Binghamton Central Labor Union Records on 183 microfilm reels.
Central Trades and Labor Council of Peekskill, NY, Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5660 mf
Central Trades and Labor Council Minute Books on microfilm
Coremakers Union of Auburn, NY, Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5673 mf
Microfilm copies of minute books for the Coremakers Union of Auburn, NY
Albertz, Hubert Local 32E Archives (SEIU) on Microfilm 2 reels microfilm
Collection Number: 6072 mf
Elmira Central Trade and Labor Assembly Minute Books and Correspondence on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5661 mf
This collection consists of correspondence, 1919-1976 and minute books, 1899- 1906.
Elmira Central Trades and Labor Assembly "Elmira Labor Review" on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5701 mf
Complete compilation of the Elmira Labor Review - June 1936 to December 1952.
GE (Schenectady, NY) Publication "Works News" on Microfilm 5 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6081 mf
Greater Syracuse Labor Council Minutes on Microfilm .5 linear ft.
Collection Number: 5844 mf
International Association of Machinists, No. 153 (Auburn, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5672 mf
Microfilm copies of the minute books for the International Association of Machinists, No. 153 (Auburn, NY)
International Bricklayers, Masons, Plasters, Tilelayers and Terrazzo Workers Local 11 (Rochester, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 5 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5816 mf
International Molders Union, No. 107 (Auburn, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5671 mf
This is a collection of minute books dated: Feb. 1893-Oct. 1895, Oct. 1895-April 1902, May 1902-May 1905, July 1905-Sept. 1909, Oct. 1909-Jan. 1914, Jun. 1914-Aug. 1919, Sept. 1919- Dec. 1926.
International Typographical Union, No. 15 (Rochester, NY) Records on Microfilm 6 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5667 mf
Meeting minutes, papers and correspondence
Workingmen's Assembly of the State of New York Proceedings on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5200 mf
Proceedings of the Workingmen's Assembly of the State of New York.
United Auto Workers Local 686 (Lockport, NY) on Microfilm. 8 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6105 mf
UAW Local 686 (Lockport, NY) Records on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5677 mf
Microfilm reel of Union Leader, 1947-1950.
Teachers Union of the City of New York Executive Board Minutes on Microfilm 3 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5015 mf
This collection is the guide for meeting minutes of the Executive Board of the Teachers Union of the City of New York, 1929-1941, 1944-1963.
National Federation of Postal Employees Local 257 (Syracuse, NY) Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5841 mf
Official annual Labor day review of Buffalo and vicinity: supplement to the Buffalo Labor Journal on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 6380 mf
Selected Papers from Greater Buffalo Industrial Union Council Records on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5407 mf
Random papers from Greater Buffalo Industrial Union Council
Slight, Joseph Papers on Microfilm 9 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5799 mf
Consists of correspondence, minutes, convention proceedings, and union publications.
Utica, NY, Building Trades Council Minute Books on Microfilm 1 microfilm reel
Collection Number: 5829 mf
Meeting minutes of the Building Trades Council of Utica, New York, from May 5, 1933 to July 26, 1934.
AFT Local 2 Scrapbook on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5417 mf
Scrapbook of collective bargaining history of Local 2 of the American Federation of Teachers.
United Steelworkers of America, Local 2601 Minute Books and Roster Book on Microfilm 2 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 5009 mf
Include discussions on wages and benefits, workers' education, job safety, union solidarity, the AFL-CIO merger, the purge of communist members, and various strikes.
Archives Union File on Microfilm 486 microfilm reels
Collection Number: 6046 mf