International Polling Data
- Pew Global Indicators databaseNote: The data is drawn from some of the data in the Pew Global Values Survey (a dataset not listed here because it requires specialized statistitical software)
Select the "Custom Analysis" tab.
U.S. Image: Opinion of the United States~Confidence in the U.S. President~Drone Strikes~ U.S. Personal Freedoms
World Economy: Satisfaction with National Conditions~Country's Economic Situation~Views on Trade~Future Economic Situation
China Image: Opinion of China~Views of Chinese President~China's Growing Economy~China Personal Freedoms
Balance of Power: World's Leading Economic Power~World's Leading Superpower
Rating Countries: Opinion of Iran ~Opinion of Russia~Opinion of Brazil - Polling the NationsSilver Spring, MD: ORS.
Polls taken on a variety of subjects all over the world from 1986 to the present. Each record in the database consists of one poll question and the participants' responses. Records are indexed in one of more than 5,000 topics and six search fields: subject matter, question text, universe, date, polling organization and response categories. Other information provided includes: source name and contact information, sample size, and notes on the sample population. Partially supersedes American Public Opinion Index and American Public Opinion Data [microfiche]. - World Public Opinion PollIn partnership with the International Institutions and Global Governance program at the Council on Foreign Relations, consolidates global and U.S. public opinion across ten major issue areas: elements of world order, international institutions, violent conflict, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, climate change, energy security, the global economy, economic development, and human rights.
Social Surveys
- General Social Survey (United States)"The General Social Survey (GSS) is a nationally representative survey of adults in the United States conducted since 1972. The GSS collects data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends in opinions, attitudes and behaviors. The GSS has adapted questions from earlier surveys, thereby allowing researchers to conduct comparisons for up to 80 years." [About the GSS] Download to explore with statistical analysis software (SPSS, STATA, SAS), use the online data explorer., or view reports based on the survey in Key Trends.
- Afrobarometer"contains ... data sets from 39 African countries going back to 1999. Search by country, survey question, and survey round. "You can compare individual countries and regions, or get the continental view on the topics of your choice. You can slice and dice the data by gender, age, education level, and other demographic variables. You can identify trends over time. You can also create your own graphs and tables and export them in multiple formats."
- East Asia Barometer2 waves -- 2001-2003, 2005-2008.
Select the study,
Select a a single country or multiple countries,
Select a question (variable) by clicking on the link (for example, gender of respondent). This opens up the online analysis tool,
Select Cross-tabs,
Use the arrows to page through the different variables that can be analyzed. - AmericasBarometerCenter for Global Democracy
The "Data Playground is a free and interactive data analysis tool. It is particularly useful for those individuals who do not have access to or skills to use advanced statistical software programs. Using this tool, you can conduct analyses of AmericasBarometer data, including tabulations of a single variable, cross-country comparisons on a map, and crosstabulations of two variables." [site] - European Social Survey -- Online Analysis Tool"Search, download or visualize data from the European Social Survey"
Access data from EOSC Future Project and CROss-National Online Survey (CRONOS);
Create your own datasets using the Datafile Builder (Wizard). " - International Social SurveyDifferent topics covered each year, but hasn't been updated in some years. It may still provide an interesting point-in-time understanding:
- 2007 - Leisure Time and Sports
- 2005 - Work Orientations III
- 2004 - Citizenship
- 2003 - National Identity II
- 2002 - Family III
- 2001 - Social networks II
- 2000 - Environment II
- 1999 - Social Inequality III
- 1998 - Religion II
Select a question (variable) by clicking on the link (for example, gender of respondent). This opens up the online analysis tool.
--Select Cross-tabs.
--Use the arrows to page through the different variables that can be analyzed. - World Values SurveyBeginning in 1981, conducted in successive waves.
A.- Perceptions of life
B.- Environment
C.- Work
D.- Family
E.- Politics and Society
F.- Religion and Morale
G.- National Identity
S.- Structure of the file
X.- Socio-demographics
Y.- Special Indexes
Search tips: On the left-hand menu, select Online Data Analysis. "You may browse the variable index and see question texts, frequencies for each answer, crosstabs of each question by country or any other variable, and even graphics."
You can also check under Findings & Insights for summaries of some of the findings.