Creating an Annotated Bibliography (Cornell Library)

Formatting References by Hand--Video

Recommended APA Style Guides

Creating an Annotated Bibliography with Zotero

1.  Open preferences, and select Cite>Styles.  Then, select "get additional styles" link at bottom, and find APA 6th (annotated bibliography).  Download and open--this will automatically save the style to Zotero.

Zotero preferences

Highlight the references you want to include in your annotated bibliography, right click and select "create bibliography from items."

2.   Highlight the references you want to include in your annotated bibliography, right click and select "create bibliography from items."  Then paste into your Word doc.

3.  Be sure to put your annotations in the abstract field for each included citation.  If there are actual abstracts in that field, you can cut and paste them into the notes field.