General resources available remotely

When you don't have access to the Library's physical spaces and collections, there are many sources still available.

Please consult the Guide to Searching for eBooks for assistance in finding regularly-accessible electronic material through the Cornell University Library catalog.

For primary sources available online, see other sections below.

Resources available during COVID-19 crisis

During the COVID-19 crisis period, from mid-March 2020 through April, you will be able to access much more material electronically. During this limited time, numerous publishers have made electronic content freely available.

To find e-resources on sexuality or any topic, begin your search in the Cornell University Library catalog, where records for newly-accessible materials are being added daily. If you are unable to locate the material you need there, please check the guide to Electronic materials available for free during COVID-19Librarians are updating this guide frequently.

Further, you can consult Worldcat to see if the resources you need are available electronically and then use the purchase request form to request them. (The Library is only purchasing electronic at this time, no print materials.) Another option is to consult with a subject specialist to find suitable alternative materials.

Digitized primary sources: from Cornell's collections

Cornell Library has an ambitious program to digitize many of its own collections. The completed projects span many subjects and are available to browse and use here. Among the materials focused on sexuality and gender are:



Digitized primary sources: beyond Cornell's collections

Primary sources: Create your own!

Create your own? Yes! The COVID-19 pandemic is an important world event. Help people in the future know what it was like.

Cornell University Library is participating with other local historical organizations to document the experiences of the Cornell community and of Tompkins County residents during this major upheaval. We invite everyone in these communities to fill out this online survey.

While answering the questions on the survey, I encourage you to reflect on issues of sexuality and identity, such as those below, and include your perspectives on these too:

  • How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your sex life?
  • Does your gender or sexual identity affect your access to health care in normal times? How has it affected your access to health care during the coronavirus pandemic?
  • Does your economic status, nationality, or other personal identity affect your access to health care in normal times? How has it affected your access to health care during the coronavirus pandemic?

You may add such reflections to any number of the survey's questions, or include it all in the last question: "Are there any additional comments, stories, or anecdotes about this situation -- serious, humorous, or otherwise -- that you should feel documented?"