Search the catalog to find books by, and about, the people you are researching, including biographies, autobiographies and memoirs.
Go directly to the library catalog and search by keyword, author or subject. Expand your search with "Libraries Worldwide."
Note: Catalogs do not index the articles published in journals. To find articles, see: Databases.
Search name by author or subject browse.
- In the library catalog, enter the person's name, in reverse order, e.g., senghor, leopold, and use the pull-down menu to select Author.
- Or, enter the person's name,in reverse order, e.g. senghor, leopold, and use the pull-down menu to select Subject Browse (A-to-Z)
Note: If you can't find anything for the person you're researching, search databases.
Finding intellectual biographies in the catalog
- Go to the Library Catalog, Advanced Search.
- Enter a name on the first line.
- Enter intellectual biography on the next line and use the pull-down menu to select [phrase]