Paper Documents, All Years

Cornell's paper New York State documents collection includes documents from our very oldest titles through the newest documents issued this year. Paper documents, monographs, serials, and maps are cataloged individually and assigned Library of Congress call numbers and subject headings in our catalog. They are found in the Olin stacks, as well as in other subject collections across campus.

Identifying and Locating New York State Documents: General Indexes and Catalogs

Primary Indexes and Catalogs

The first step in locating print NYS documents is to search Cornell Library Catalog. The catalog include entries for individual New York State documents: books, serials, and maps in the Cornell University Library.

If you cannot locate the document in our catalog, search Excelsior, the New York State Library's online catalog. Excelsior includes many non-depository documents not available at Cornell and some not listed in the checklist (next item).

The Checklist of Official Publications of the State of New York, the most extensive list of New York State documents available, covers 1947 - March 2004. The print version of the Checklist has annual indexes and one cumulative index which covers 1947-1969.

The online version of the Checklist covers June, 1989 forward. The online version includes annual indexes from 1996 forward.


Additional Indexes and Catalogs

The New York State Documents Catalog is a dictionary catalog in microfiche which provides subject access to documents from December 1973 to December 1991 (Olin Reference Microfiche Z 1223.5 .N56 .D55). Thirty-four fiche in a binder shelved in Olin Reference. Second copy at the Library Annex.

The Subject Index to New York State Publications is an annual index to documents issued from 1980 to 1994. It was created to be used with a Research Publications microfiche set covering 1980-1988 which we do not own. It also indexes the microfiche set covering 1988-1994 which we do own (see below). Since it includes "most of the items" in the Checklist, it can be used for print documents.
"[N]on-periodical publications" only. (Olin Reference Z 1223.5 .N56 .S94; also in Annex, Mann, and Law reference).

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106 Olin Library
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