
The depository diazo microfiche collection of documents from New York State legislative and executive agencies is Olin Microfiche 932. Coverage begins with documents in the 1989 Checklist and extends through 1994. Some documents published before 1989 may be included in this microfiche collection. During this time, the State supplied only microfiche version of depository titles. Olin Microfiche 932 is filed in the diazo microfiche section on the Lower Level (B Level, Olin Library).

Identifying and Locating Microfiche NYS Documents

Microfiche copies of NYS documents are filed by New York State Document call number, a system based on the name of the issuing agency.

Just as with paper documents, the Checklist of Official Publications of the State of New York (Olin Reference Z 1223.5 .N56 ) and its online version can be used to identify documents in the microfiche collection. (A duplicate set of the monthly Checklists for the years covered by the microfiche set (1989-1994) is shelved in Olin Reference in the microform guide shelves as Olin Microfiche 932 Guide. It is easier to use the online Checklist for those years, however.)

Excelsior, the New York State Library's online catalog is an excellent resource for locating NYS document titles on microform. It has the added advantage of including cataloging and holdings for serials that continued publication after the end of the microform set. And the scanned version of post-1995 documents may be available online via Excelsior.

The Cornell Library Catalog has bibliographic records for the microfiche set from 1989-1991 which include the New York State document call number in the public catalog NOTES field of the catalog record. Many records for Cornell's paper documents in the Cornell Library Catalog are derived from NYS Library bibliographic records and include the NYS document call number, providing a link to the microfiche set for 1992-1994, when Cornell also has the paper documents.

Bibliographic records in OCLC WorldCat can be used for locating New York State documents since they include the New York State document call number in the "Class Descrpt" field.

The annual indexes in the Subject Index to New York State Publications (Microfiche edition, Olin Reference Z 1223.5 .N56 .S94) also covers 1989-1994 .

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