Purpose of the Using Resources Effectively Section
These resources can be incorporated into a lesson plan that focuses on helping students get the most out of research tools.They include search strategy worksheets, links to videos and tutorials on searching in databases and Google Scholar.
Classroom Learning Activities
- Search Strategy WorksheetStudents can use this worksheet to brainstorm keywords for their topic. If students don't have a topic, students can be divided into small groups to brainstorm keywords related to topics provided to them. Stored in Box under Instructor Tools. Created by Mel Jensen.
Resources for your Classroom Presentations
These resources can be easily added to a classroom presentation. They include short videos and infographics.
- Configuring Google Scholar PreferencesCreated by North Carolina State University.
- Cited Reference Searching: Google ScholarFrom library guide created by Tony Cosgrave.
- Ebook Collections at CornellFrom library guide on Cornell Ebooks.
- PubMed Tutorial from NS 3320Created by Kate Ghezzi-Koppel.
- Video RepositoryThis is a work-in-progress created by Camille Andrews and Megan Benson. Links to vendor videos (e.g. ProQuest, EBSCOhost), database specific videos (e.g. Web of Science, PsycINFO, PubMED, Hathi Trust) and much more. Some of the targeted videos can be incorporated into a class presentation; others can be linked in a course guide for students to view outside of class.
- What Are Databases and How to Use ThemYou Tube video produced by Yavapai College Library. Compares Google searches to databases in terms of results and narrowing. 2.5 minutes.
- Passkey Screen ShotsScreen shots showing how an article appears if searching Google Scholar -- with and without Passkey.
Resources for CANVAS or Course Guides
These resources are supplementary materials that include self-directed learning modules, longer videos, and library guides. Feel free to use in your presentations or as reference materials for students pre/post class.
- Why Search Strategically?Self-paced tutorial for keywords produced by New Literacies Alliance. Also explains difference between open searching in Google vs. databases. NOTE: One of the embedded videos not functional.