Eight Steps to Effective Instruction Sessions
#1 Communicate with Faculty
- Determine the scope of instruction desired through communication with instructors to put a plan in place that is mutually agreeable.
#2 Reserve a Room
- Reserve a space using the Fall 2017 Guidelines for reserving Mann spaces written by Sara E. Wright.
#3 Develop Learning Objectives
- Use the Mann learning outcomes as a guide or consult resources created by other organizations.
#4 Create a Lesson Plan
- Use instructional design principles. See sample lesson plans for PAM and Horticulture. Create an effective presentation. Consult the resources on the Improving your Teaching page for ideas to engage students.
#5 Create a Course Guide for the class you are teaching if it seems appropriate to do so.
#6 Assessment (pre and post)
- Send out a pre-assessment survey to get a better understanding of the students' prior research experience. A Question bank compiled by Mann librarians can be found on the Assessing Student Learning page.
- Set up the Qualtrics CLIQ survey in advance by making a copy of the survey for your class. You have the option to add a few additional questions in addition to the standard ones.
- The Assessing Student Learning tab provides information on classroom assessment techniques and technology aids.
#7 Reflect on your instruction
- Reflect and ask yourself questions about how you think your instruction session was received by students. What worked well? What didn't? What would you do differently?
- If appropriate, share assessment feedback with the course instructor. Address questions/confusion reported in the CLIQ survey by sharing supplemental material with students after your instruction session.
- Complete your lesson plan and add to Box so that others can benefit from your experience. Include suggestions for improvements.
#8 Record your instruction statistics in CountIt.
- Use the established procedures for recording information about your instruction sessions in CountIt.