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Search the catalog

Basic Search:

  1. From the library catalog, basic search, enter some key words, or a title
  2. From the list of results in the catalog, use Limit Your Search to filter by publication date, format, language and more.

Advanced Search:

  1. From the library catalog, select the Library Catalog, Advanced Search.
  2. Combine keywords and phrases.
  3. Add alternate terms to broaden your search, and select the pulldown menu to select "any."

Expand or filter your search:

  1. Open catalog records to view summaries, table-of-contents, and subject heading links
  2. Follow subject-heading links.
  3. Or, add subject headings to your search and use the pull-down menu to select "Subject Browse"

Sample searches

  • big data and medicine
  • Digital Health Technologies (DHTs) and ___
  • mobile health, mHealth, wearables and ___
  • telehealth, telemedicine, clinical decision support systems (CDSS) and ___
  • bioinformatics and ___
  • digital epidemiology and ___
  • health informatics and ___
  • bioprospecting and __
  • big data and ____
  • medical surveillance and ___
  • DNA sequencing and ___
  • life science and patents and __
  • DNA databases AND ___
  • neuroscience and digital

add terms like ethical, or privacy, or commercialization, "social aspects," etc. Example: neuroscience and digital and ethical