How to find articles
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How to locate an article
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- America History and LifeArticles, books, dissertations on United States and Canadian history from pre-history to the 21st century.
- Historical AbstractsArticles, books, dissertations on the history of the world since 1450.
- Proquest Dissertations and ThesesNorth American. 1861 to the present. Many full text online. Others available through ILL.
- JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal ArchiveExcludes 3-5 years most recent articles. ALL JSTOR journals included in America History and Life/Historical Abstracts.
- Project MuseCompanion to JSTOR with 3-5 most recent years.
- Web of ScienceIncludes Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences Citation Index. A multidisciplinary index to over 1200 leading international arts and humanities journals. It includes journal articles, letters, editorials, notes, meeting abstracts, discussions, poems, short stories, plays, musical scores, excerpts from books, and bibliographies. Allows tracking of cited references.
- EBSCO Academic Search PremierMultidisciplinary and multi-genre--scholarly journals, scholarly journals, magazines, reports, newspapers. Lots of full text.
Gender and Ethnicity
- Chicano databaseCovers a wide range of materials focused on the Mexican-American and Chicano experience, as well as the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans and Central American immigrants.
- International Index to Black Periodicals (Black Studies Center)Articles, books, etc.
- GenderWatchPublications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas, uniquely central to women's lives, including family, childbrith, birth control, daycare, domestic abuse, work and the workplace, sexual harassment, aging, aging parents, body image, eating disorders and social and societal roles.
- Women's studies internationalStudies on women and gender abstracts online Indexes books and journal articles on education, employment, women in the family, medicine and health, gender role socialization, social policy, the social psychology of women, female culture, media treatment of women, biography, literary criticism and historical studies.
- Studies on women and gender abstracts onlineIndexes books and journal articles on education, employment, women in the family, medicine and health, gender role socialization, social policy, the social psychology of women, female culture, media treatment of women, biography, literary criticism and historical studies.
More Databases
- History of Science, Technology and MedicineProvides citations and some brief abstracts to journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science, technology and medicine and allied historical fields from prehistory to the present.
- Bibliography of British and Irish History(formerly Royal Historical Society bibliography online). Database contains 300,000 records on British and Irish history, including relations with the empire and Commonwealth. Bibliography includes books, articles in journals and collective volumes, and review articles, incorporating the content of the print annual bibliographies for 1993-2000; with updates to follow. The on-line edition also includes some earlier publications, with near-comprehensive coverage of works published since 1900 and select earlier works.
- HAPI (Hispanic American Periodicals Index)From analyses of current political, economic, and social issues to unique coverage of Latin American arts and letters, HAPI Online contains complete bibliographic citations to articles, book reviews, documents, original literary works and other materials appearing in more than 400 key social science and humanities journals published throughout the world.
- Francis(international humanities and social sciences). FRANCIS covers a wide range of multilingual, multidisciplinary information in the humanities (67%), social sciences (30%), and economics (3%). FRANCIS is strong in French studies, religion, the history of art, and literature, with particular emphasis on current trends in European and world literature. Updated monthly, FRANCIS covers 1984 to the present.
- Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur: IBZA German index of periodical literature covering basic research from all fields of knowledge, and particularly strong in the humanities and the social sciences. Over 11,000 periodicals are indexed by this multilingual database, now containing over 1.7 million records. It is international in scope, and indexes a significant proportion of the periodicals published on the European continent. Available in print back to the 19th century.
- Historische Bibliographie Online (AHF)Index to publications on history, cumulated from 1990 onward.
- Humanities IndexCall Number: Olin Library Reference, AI 3 H91An author and subject index to over 250 English language scholarly journals.
- APh: L'Annee PhilologiqueOnline version of L'Année Philologique covering volumes published since 1969. L'Année Philologique is an exhaustive index of periodicals, books and festschriften in classics and classical studies. It covers Greek and Latin linguistics and literature and Greek and Roman archaeology, history, mythology, religion, epigraphy, numismatics and palaeography: all aspects of the ancient Mediterranean world.
- Diotima: materials for the study of women & gender in the ancient world.Diotima serves as an interdisciplinary resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors.
- TOCS-INTOCS-IN provides the tables of contents of a selection of Classics, Near Eastern Studies, and Religion journals, both in text format and through a Web search program. Where possible, links are given with articles of which the full text or an abstract is available online (about 6%).
- Nestor: bibliography of Aegean prehistory and related areasNestor is an international bibliography of Aegean studies, Mycenaean Greece, homeric society, Indo-European linguistics, and related fields. The primary geographic nexus of Nestor is the Aegean, including all of Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Cyprus. Its chronological range is the prehistoric period from the Palaeolithic through the end of the Geometric period.
- International Medieval Bibliography (online).Indexes articles, notes, and similar literature on medieval subjects in journals, Festschriften, conference proceedings, and collected essays. Covers all aspects of medieval studies within the date range of 400 to 1500 for the entire continent of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa for the period before the Muslim conquest and parts of those areas subsequently controlled by Christian powers. Includes more than 300,000 articles published as of 1967.
- Iter: to the Middle Ages and RenaissanceToronto, Ont. : Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies of the University of Toronto, 1996-.
A bibliographic database of interdisciplinary journal literature pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 400-1700. Includes articles, reviews, bibliographies, catalogs, editions, abstracts, discographies, and notes. - ABSEES onlineABSEES covers North American scholarship on East-Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and contains bibliographic citations for journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations and selected government publications.
- The Russian Academy of Sciences BibliographiesCovers the social sciences and humanities with topics ranging from archaeology, economics, history, law, linguistics, literary criticism, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and much more. The database includes citations and abstracts of journal articles, books, manuscripts, and dissertations published primarily in Russia, the republics of the former Soviet Union, and countries in Eastern Europe.
- Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS)BAS contains more than 410,000 records on all subjects (especially humanities and social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present. Print volumes cover back to 1947 (Kroch Asia Reference +Z3001 F2).
Databases for Articles in Related Disciplines
- MLA International BibliographyAn international database providing references to scholarly articles from over 4000 journals dealing with languages, literature, film, folklore and linguistics.
- ATLA Religion DatabaseA comprehensive database that contains citations from international titles and multi-author works in and related to the field of religion. It also includes a full range of index citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, book reviews, and Doctor of Ministry projects from ATLA's print indexes: Religion index one (RIO), Religion index two (RIT), and: Index to book reviews in religion (IBRR).
- The Philosopher's IndexProvides indexing and abstracts from books and many journals on philosophy and related interdisciplinary fields published in the U.S. and the Western World. Coverage is from 1940 to the present for U.S. materials, and 1967 to the present for non-U.S. references.
- EconlitIndexes books, journal articles, dissertations, and articles in books published since 1969.
- PsycinfoIndexes and abstracts 1300 leading international journals in psychology and related behavioral disciplines. The online version available on the Web, updated monthly, includes a periodical article index from 1887 to the present and a book chapters index from 1987 to the present, as well as all the records from the print version Psychological Abstracts.
- Sociological AbstractsIndexes and abstracts the world's leading journals in sociology. It covers articles published since 1974. There is extensive coverage of sociolinguistics.
- Anthropology PlusAnthropology Plus provides worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies. The index offers coverage of all core periodicals in the field in addition to local and lesser-known journals. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present.
- Art Full TextIndexes, abstracts and full-text from international periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins. Areas covered include archeology, architecture, art, film, humanities, marketing, motion pictures and photography.