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HIST 4000 - HIST 4001 History Honors (Spring 2025)

A guide to library research

Searching for Heath Pamphlets in the Catalog

How do to a search

  1. Go to the Cornell library catalog
  2. Use the "advanced search." 
  3. "Add a row" to get three search boxes.  Note the settings of the pull down menus to the right of the search boxes:

catalog search heath = publisher history = subject problem = all fields

You should get about 80 hits. Not all of them are what you’re looking for.

  • Use the "publication year" to the left of the results and and set it for 1949-1970:


catalog facet. Limit publication year to 1947-1970

Then you’ll get the older titles that are about 100 pages, a kind of “pamphlet” like the ones listed in the sidebar on this page.

List of Heath Pamphlets at Cornell

Titles (many of which may be shelved at Uris Library Reserves):