What Bridgeman Offers

Bridgeman Education Logo

Bridgeman Education provides over 530,000 digital images of art, history and culture from global museums, galleries, private collections and contemporary artists all copyright cleared for educational use.

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Bridgeman provides a user manual to explain how to search, view and display images.

Table of Contents for Bridgeman Education User Guide

Bridgeman Education

Screenshot of Bridgeman Education Database

Example of a Subject Guide

Example of a Bridgeman Education Subject Guide

Bridgeman mobile

The Bridgeman Education iPhone app allows users to search, view images and their metadata, and create and save slideshows. Requires iOS.4.1 or later.

Bridgeman Education as seen on an iPhone

Some Collection Highlights

Movement, Period, School




Conceptual Images

History of Science

Graphic Design

Chinese Art

Japanese Art

Indian Art
