Important Things to Know
- Important Things to Know about the LibraryImportant resources and services about the Cornell University Library for the engineering community.
Useful URLs
Recommended Tools and Resources from Cornell's Engineering Library
- Engineering Library
- includes link to many databases including:
- Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus
- Engineering Village (Compendex)
- IEEE Xplore
- Knovel Data Search
- Databases
- Passkey Off-campus? Log in once with this browser bookmarklet that connects you to all the Library's databases and journals with a single Cornell log-in.
- SPARC Author Addendum- so you can use your own work in your classes, rework in later versions, etc. Sign, submit to publisher before you sign their copyright agreement.
- SHARES libraries reciprocal borrowing - With your Cornell ID you can borrow books from one of 80 libraries around the world.
- ORCID - set your ORCID id and Scopus ID to establish a persistent unique identifier for you and ensures your work is linked to you. Required by some publishers and funders. For assistance, contact
- Citation Management - Keep track of your references, format bibliographies in thousands of styles. Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, Papers.
- Rapid delivery of books not owned by Cornell from Borrow Direct and scanned articles from Interlibrary loan.
- Stay Current - with JournalTOCS. - have tables of contents from journals in your field delivered to your email.
- Course Reserves at Olin Library -
- Cornell Academic Materials Program (CAMP) eTextbooks from Cornell Store
- Cornell Library catalog
- Library research guides - Subjects (patents, citation management) and tailored to individual classes
- Computer labs, group study, reservations
- Google Scholar citations profile
- Cornell Data Research Management Services Group - help with Data Storage Finder, NSF/NIH data plan mandate
- Digital Consulting & Production Services -
- Sherpa Romeo - publishers and journal copyright policies
- eCommons - Cornell's digital archive
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Copyright Management
Jill Powell
Jill Powell
103E Carpenter Hall
Engineering Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Engineering Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Subjects: Engineering