Topic Backgrounders
- CQ Researcher1923 to date.
All issues available online.
Print version: Olin Library Stacks H 35 .E23.
Print holdings: 1930 - 2003, incomplete.
Called Editorial Research Reports from 1923 through 1991.
"CQ Researcher is the choice of researchers seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Published online 44 times a year, CQ Researcher offers in-depth, unbiased coverage of political and social issues, with regular reports on a wide range of topics including: health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, the U.S. economy, crime, and civil liberties. Each CQ Researcher report is a unique work, investigated and written by a seasoned journalist, professionally fact-checked, and footnoted to facilitate further research. A feature called Hot Topics provides shorter reports on 10 of the most popular subjects. CQ Researcher's Archive goes back to 1923 and includes reports from its predecessor publication, Editorial Research Reports." [FAQ]
The best one-stop source for speech topics and short papers. - Vital Speeches of the Day1934 to date.
Available online.
Print holdings 1934 - Sept. 2004.
Print version shelved in the Olin Library Stacks, Oversize PN 6121 .V83 and at the Library Annex PN 6121 .V83.
Reprints of the full text of major speeches by public figures in the U.S. and elsewhere. Around ten speeches per issue.
See also Congressional Digest in the Current Events section of this guide.