Current Events: Weeklies
- The Congressional Digest1921 to date.
Available online. Follow the online link in this catalog record to the Academic Search Premier link.
Also available in print: Olin Library Stacks Double Oversize JK1 .C655 ++ . (1921 - 2017).
A monthly pro-con source that features opinion essays on both sides of current issues before Congress written by Representatives and Senators (or, more likely, their staffs). Excellent summary and background essays introduce each topic. - CQ/CQ Magazine [formerly CQ Weekly and Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report]Issues from 1983 to date available online.
Some earlier issues available in print:
The 1998-2020 issues are in the Law Library: JK1 .C744.
Print issues for 1956 - 1998 are in the Olin Library Stacks Oversize JK 1 .C661 + under the title Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report.
CQ/CQ Magazine and CQ Weekly/Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report (the titles before 2016) provide nonpartisan coverage of the U.S. Congress: congressional legislation, commission reports, presidential talks and appointments, and even information about birth dates, religious affiliation and occupation of senators and representatives. One of the best and most current of all publications dealing with government action. Covers Congress in depth, but also includes information on the executive and judicial branches of government.
- CQ ResearcherAvailable online.
Print version: Library Annex H 35 .E23.
Print holdings: 1930 - 2003, incomplete.
Called Editorial Research Reports from 1923 through 1991.
"CQ Researcher is the choice of researchers seeking original, comprehensive reporting and analysis on issues in the news. Published online 44 times a year, CQ Researcher offers in-depth, unbiased coverage of political and social issues, with regular reports on a wide range of topics including: health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, the U.S. economy, crime, and civil liberties. Each CQ Researcher report is a unique work, investigated and written by a seasoned journalist, professionally fact-checked, and footnoted to facilitate further research. A feature called Hot Topics provides shorter reports on 10 of the most popular subjects. CQ Researcher's Archive goes back to 1923 and includes reports from its predecessor publication, Editorial Research Reports." [FAQ]
- NationalJournalCurrent issues available online.
The print version covering 1975 - 28 March 2015 is shelved in Olin Library Stacks Oversize JK 1 .N27 + under the title National Journal.
Daily updates and reviews of actions and events throughout the Federal Government, including the White House, Federal departments and agencies, Congress, and the Courts. Includes access to NationalJournalAlmanac. (The print version of NationalJournalAlmanac is the Almanac of American Politics, shelved in the Olin Library Stacks JK 1010 .B26 for 1998 to date, latest edition in Ready Reference).
Regional Services
Loose-leaf or online services that track recent news in the geographical area covered.
- Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial, and Technical seriesCall Number: Olin Library and Library Annex Oversize DT 1 .A2364 +No longer current
Available online and in print.
Online: 1997 - 2018.
Print: 1965 - 1985; 1992 - 2007.
Catalog records for the print and online versions of this title. - Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social, and Cultural seriesCall Number: Olin Library Oversize and Library Annex DT 1 .A2365Available online and in print.
Online: 1997 to date.
Print: 1964 - 1985; 1992 - 2006.
Catalog records for the print and online versions of this title. - African Chronicle: A Fortnightly Record on Governance, Economy, Development, Human Rights, and Environment.Call Number: Africana Reference DT 1 .A22812000 - 2009.
Previous title, African Recorder: Library Annex Oversize + DT 1 .A2513 [1962 - 1995, incomplete] - Asian News Digest: A Weekly Record on Governance, Economy, Development, Human Rights, and EnvironmentCall Number: Library Annex Oversize DS 1 .A7671 +; DS 1 .A767 +Library has 1955 - 2010
- The Current Digest of the Chinese PressOnline only.
08/14/2011 to date.
Weekly. A "digestible" collection of Chinese press materials in English. - Euro|topicsOnline only.
A European press review with English, German, and French summaries for 28 European countries. Text is the translated lead paragraph of articles from newspapers, magazines, and blogs. Some entries link to the full text online in original language and some only to the source site. - MideastWire.comOnline only.
A daily selection of articles from news sources (print, radio and television media) and newsletters appearing in 22 Arab countries, Iran and the Arab Diaspora. English translations from Arabic and Farsi. Added links to current source home page when available.
Special Topics
Full-text online searchable collections of publications covering news and opinion for the area covered: alternative press publications, ethnic publications, gender-related publications. Starting dates for the individual titles covered varies.
- Alt-PressWatchOnline only.
Full-text database of selected newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative and independent press. Basic or advanced subject searching takes you to in-depth articles on contemporary society, including coverage of the peace movement, ecology and the environment, labor, indigenous peoples, public policy, and grassroots organizing. This coverage of diverse points of view and perspectives complements the reporting in the mainstream press. - Ethnic NewsWatchOnline only.
Full-text articles from ethnic and minority press in America. In English and Spanish. - GenderWatchOnline only.
Full-text database of publications that focus on gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas. Coverage of subjects central to women's lives, including family, childbirth, birth control, daycare, domestic abuse, work and the workplace, sexual harassment, aging, aging parents, body image, eating disorders and social and societal roles.