Translating Title Abbreviations

Where to go when you need to identify full periodical titles from the abbreviations:

  1. Search the abbreviation in our Catalog. Use the Journal Title search. Journal title abbreviations are sometimes listed in the Other title field.
    Or use the JAbbr tool which using fuzzy searching to query the library catalog. If the journal is not in our catalog (not owned/subscribed to by CUL), JAbbr will not find it.
  2. Appendix 29.1 Authoritative Sources for Journal Title Abbreviations, and Rules for Abbreviating Journal Titles (from CSE).
  3. Periodical Title Abbreviations. Detroit: Gale, 1969- . 2 volumes.
    Volume 1: By abbreviation. Volume 2: By title.

    Olin Library Reference Z 6945 .A2 P44 2007. Shelved at the Reference desk.

  4. ITA: Internationale Titelabkürzungen von Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, wichtigen Handbüchern, Wörterbüchern, Gesetzen, Institutionen usw. = International title abbreviations of periodicals, newspapers, important handbooks, dictionaries, laws, institutions, etc. München: Saur, 2005. 10th Aufl. [edition]. 3 volumes.

    Olin Library Reference Z 6945 .A2 L4 2005. Shelved at the Reference desk.

  5. Jones, David J. Australian Periodical Title Abbreviations. Leura, N.S.W.: Second Back Row Press, 1985.
    Library Annex Z 6962 .A8 J66.

  6. If all else fails consider this guide that links to a wide variety of online lists of journal abbreviations for individual disciplines and databases:

    All that JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources. [originally Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, 2000] .
    Registry of Web resources that list or provide access to the full title of journal abbreviations or other types of abbreviated publication titles (e.g., conference proceedings titles). Selected online library catalogs that offer abbreviated title searching have also been included. In addition, access to full journal title directories or lists is also provided. NB: This website contains advertising.

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Michael Engle
106 Olin Library
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