Standards and Safety Information
Safety information will be in standards and federal codes and regulations.
- ASTM Standards are available online. This includes thousands of standards and ASTM journals. Also UNE-EN, ISO and IEC standards. (This means the ISO and IEC standards were adopted by any one of the 27 EU countries.)
- ANSI StandardsIndex to standards worldwide, with information on ordering. This is not a full-text database. The library has some standards and we order specific ones on demand. Email any questions regarding standards to
- Code of Federal RegulationsTitle 40 contains the EPA regulations, and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.
- IEEE xploreContains IEEE standards as well as IEEE journal and conference papers.
- Safety Data SheetsSafety Data Sheets (formerly MSDS) for chemicals and materials can be found in several free collections, see this site for links and FAQ.
- SciFinder-n(Cornell subscription): comprehensive coverage of literature in chemistry and related fields, including articles, patents, characterized chemicals, chemical reactions, and commercial sources. (Register first, use your Cornell email)