Company News

coffe and newspaper iconImpress recruiters by knowing specific details about recent events affecting the company and the industry. Perhaps they recently hired new top executives or they were affected by industry, regulatory, or market changes.

Use RSS to save time!

RSS iconUse RSS to track industry and company news. You can have an RSS feed go directly into a reader like Feedly or NetVibes.

There are two ways you can add an RSS feed for the site you want to receive updates from to your RSS Reader.

  1. Most common: Copy feed URL and paste it into an "Add a subscription" field in your RSS Reader.
  2. Click the "Subscribe" link or the RSS icon button on the site you want to receive updates from and follow their directions.

Finding a company profile

You can find company profiles and/or tearsheets from databases like Capital IQ, Hoover's, and Thomson One Banker.

Finding a company profile in Capital IQ (If you do not have an account you can use the Capital IQ terminal in Mann or computers 11 or 12 in the Management Library.)

  1. Enter the company name in the search box in the upper left search box and hit enter.
  2. Select the company from the resulting list.

Finding a company profile in Mergent Intellect:

  1. Enter the company name in the search box and click the Search button.
  2. You may need to then select your company from a list of results. You can sort results by name, location, or sales.

Finding a company profile in Thomson One (use Internet Explorer).

  1. Click Company Research under Company Views > Research > Company Research from the navigation menu and select the Advanced Search icon (a small magnifying glass next to the main search bar).
  2. Enter criteria for searching for you company.

Investor Relations

Balance sheet iconIf the company is publicly traded, it is essential that you visit their investor relations webpage and take a look at their most recent annual report and 10K or 10Q. Also check out recent press releases or presentations.

Finding a company's investor relations page is as easy as "Googling" the company name and "investor relations".

Annual and Quarterly reports (as well as other filings) can also be found in Hoover's, and the SEC database EDGAR.