Demographic Statistics
- US CensusThis is the home page of the US Census website. From here, you can find quick links to frequently sought after data and statistics, and links to more information about the US Census.
- Social ExplorerOnline research tool designed to provide quick and easy access to modern and historical census data and demographic information. Create fast, intuitive, and illustrative maps and reports to help visually analyze and understand demography and social change throughout history. Site currently includes data from the entire US Census from 1790 to 2000, all annual updates from the American Community Survey to 2008, original Census tract-level estimates for 2006 and 2007, the Religious Congregations and Membership Study from 1980 to 2000, and 2002 Carbon Emissions Data from the Vulcan Project.
- data.census.govThe Census Bureau is the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy.
Health Statistics
- AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research & QualityResearch Tools & Data.
- CDC WonderWONDER online databases utilize a rich ad-hoc query system for the analysis of public health data.
- Center for Health Workforce StudiesThe Center for Health Workforce Studies is a not-for-profit research organization whose mission is to provide timely, accurate data and conduct policy-relevant research about the health workforce.
- Disability Statistics: Online Resource for U.S. Disability StatisticsCreated by the Cornell Industrial & Labor Relations, Employment & Disability Institute, this site offers a
-- Disability Statistics interactive search tool
-- Disability Status Reports for the nation, and by state
-- a Cross-Dataset Catalog of Disability and Compensation Variables and Rehabilitation Research. - Health Insurance (U.S. Census)Find U.S. statistics on health insurance and health insurance availability.
- -- Policy Surveillance PortalInteractive maps that detail state and federal regulations on dozens of public health–related topics.
- National Center for Health StatisticsThe National Center for Health Statistics' is the Nation’s principal health statistics agency run out of the CDC; they compile statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of the Nation’s people.
- OECD StatisticsInternational Health Statistics back to 1960, across the 30 OECD countries.
- Statistics and Data, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)OSHA has statistics on workplace injury, illness and fatalities. It also provides establishment-level stats on inspections and investigations. The latter is a good place to find out whether an establishment is unionized. See the A to Z guide for statistics.
Economic Statistics
- ProQuest Statistical InsightProvides statistical data from U.S. government publications from 1973, state and private sources from 1980, and international organizations from 1983.