PAM 3250: Neighborhoods, Housing and Urban Policy Library Research Guide: Step 3: Finish and export your map
Introduction to using and understanding the US Census and American Community Survey. It includes a Social Explorer tutorial to help you generate data tables and create maps.
Your chosen variable is indicated at the top left hand menu and mapped at the census tract level. You can change your variable by clicking on "Change data".
There is a menu in the top left that includes annotation tools and other customization options. You can also generate a data table directly from your map.
You can expand the legend in the bottom left corner and open other tools to adjust the color scheme or adjust cut points of the number ranges.
Save and Export your map
You can download your map as an image or PowerPoint slide from the top right corner.
If you are signed into your account, you can save by clicking the "Save as..." button. You will find the save project by clicking on your initials in the upper right-hand corner.