Company and Financial Research


Bloomberg is a powerful and customizable financial Research tool with data for almost all publicly traded companies around the world, trading data for commodities, currencies, bonds, treasuries and notes, news, executive information and much more.  Bloomberg is also one of the few resources that provides detailed and extensive historical securities data, often down to individual ticks. 

Mann has 2 Bloomberg terminals located on the main level in the computing area (in the Business Resources section).  Due to popular demand, there are sign-up sheets in binders next to the terminals.  Bloomberg terminals can also be found in the Management Library and the Hotel Library.

For more information on how to use Bloomberg, take a look at the Management Library's Guide on "How To: Bloomberg".

Capital IQ

Like Bloomberg, Capital IQ is a powerful financial research tool.  CapIQ provides detailed company information, not only for publicly traded companies, but also for private companies.

Capital IQ has a single terminal located in Mann's Business Resources section, on the main level of the library.  CapitalIQ terminals can also be found in the Management Library.  PLEASE NOTE: Mann's Capital IQ terminal is currently in-repair