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COMM 2820: Research Methods in Communication Studies

Research guide for the Communication research methods class

Top Databases

Here are other top, mostly scholarly, databases in this subject area.

Using Web of Science

Need to find highly cited scholarly articles on nearly any topic? Try searching Web of Science, an important and useful multidisciplinary scholarly database. See the Web of Science tutorial!

Web of Science basic search screen

Other Useful Databases

Finding Journals in Your Field

Looking for all journals in your field that we subscribe to?

  • Go to the library website and search the catalog for your subject
  • Use the filters to narrow your format to Journal
  • Choose a title and look for the subject heading (e.g. Communication -- Periodicals.)

Checking to see if the journal is your field?

  • Search for the journal title in the library catalog and check the subject headings (or the About page if it's an online journal)

Need to see which journals are important in your field?

  • Go to the library website and choose Databases
  • Enter Journal Citation Reports and click on the title (you can also access it from within Web of Science by choosing the title from the top menu bar)
  • Choose your field and year and view journal data sorted by Impact Factor. Those with the highest impact factor are often influential in the field.

Looking for a particular ejournal title?

  • Go to the library website and choose E-journal Titles
  • Search or browse for the title. This will find online journals with your keywords in the title.
  • To find all journals in your subject area that we subscribe to, search for the Subject heading (e.g. Communication -- Periodicals.)