Off-campus access


(1) Register for your ORCID iD. Use your Cornell email address when you sign up.

(2) Link your ORCID to Cornell by selecting Access through your institution when you sign in, and you won't have to remember a separate ORCID password.


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Barbula spadicea

Schachner, Hermann. (2009). Barbula spadicea (Sporenkapseln). Wikepedia Commons.

Welcome to the library guide for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology graduate students. Here you will find information regarding library resources, including the top scholarly journals in your field, citation management software, and library tools to make your life easier! 

Online Tutorials

Albert R. Mann Library

Cornell University Library Mann Library

Mann Library supports the instruction, research, and extension programs of Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and College of Human Ecology.

No matter where you are in the research process, we encourage you to ask for help when you need it!

Options include:

For more information, consult the Ask a Librarian page of the Cornell Libraries website.