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Asian 1111--Hot Cold War: Asia and Culture: Reading Citations

Practice example 1

Daly, Mary. The Church and the Second Sex. Boston, 1985.

Is this a book, an essay, or an article published in a journal?  How would you find it in the catalog?

Practice example 2

Saiving, Valerie. "The Human Situation: A Feminine View," In Womanspirit Rising: A Feminist Reader in Religion, edited by Carol P. Christ and Judith Plaskow. San Francisco, 1992.

Look closely at the citation above. Is "The Human Situation: A Feminine View" the title of a book, or the title of an essay?  How would you search for this?

Practice example 3

Thoughts about this one?

Taylor, Sarah McFarland. "Eating Spirit: Food, faith, and spiritual nourishment in the lives of the Green sisters." Ecotheology 11 no 4 D 2006, p 445-464

How would you look for this in the Library catalog?

Reading Citations

Understanding the type of content in a citation and how to look for it in the library catalog will help you to move readily from the citation to the actual work.