Topics & Opinions
- CQ Researcher1923 to date.
Available online and in print: Olin Stacks H 35 .E23. Print holdings: 1930 - 2003, incomplete.
Called Editorial Research Reports from 1923 through 1991.
CQ Researcher is issued weekly on subjects of current interest. Divided into several standard sections, each issue discusses one major issue of current concern, followed by background and historical developments, and concludes with a discussion of the future and a select bibliography of books, articles, reports, and studies. Every issue also includes a pro/con sidebar and a chronology. The best one-stop source for speech topics and short papers.
- Opposing ViewpointsA source of major contentious topics, and pro/con opinions regarding those topics.
- AllsidesAllsides is a news aggregator that specializes in offering multiple political perspectives on a topic. Usually, there will be a Liberal, a Conservative, and a relatively neutral article made available for each topic of interest.
- Procon.orgProvides pro and con arguments for various controversial issues.
- The Congressional Digest
Call Number: Law Library, KF 4935 .A15 C74, Olin Library Oversize JK1 .C655 ++
Follow the catalog link to the Publisher's Site link. Also available in print. 1921 to date.
A monthly pro-con source that features opinion essays on both sides of current issues before Congress written by Representatives and Senators (or, more likely, their staffs). Excellent summary and background essays introduce each topic. Indexed in ProQuest Research Library; use Advanced Search and select Publication title from the drop-down menu to restrict your search to this title.
- Vital Speeches of the Day1934 to date. Print holdings 1934 - Sept. 2004.
Available online and in print: Olin Library Oversize PN 6121 .V83; Library Annex PN 6121 .V83.
Reprints of the full text of major speeches by public figures in the U.S. and elsewhere. Around ten speeches per issue.