Bloomberg Law account registration
How to register for an account on Bloomberg Law:
- To access Bloomberg Law, go to the library catalog. On the catalog page, make sure you click the link for "Off-campus users" to be brought directly to the registration page.
- Fill in your information, making sure you use your Cornell email address when signing up and select Cornell University Law School as your institution.
- After you submit Bloomberg will confirm your status as a Cornell student and send you an email to set up your username and password.
Practitioner Resources
- Bloomberg Labor & Employment Practice CenterNews, analysis, and primary sources on a variety of labor and employment law topics including: fair employment, employment rights, Equal Employment Opportunity compliance, the Americans with Disabilities Act, wages and hours, affirmative action, and occupational safety.
- Practical Guidance: Disability Discrimination & Accommodation (Bloomberg Law)Provides overview documents on disability discrimination and accommodations, as well as checklists, forms, and other practical guidance on these issues.
Organizational Resources
- International Laws (Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund)(archived) "Since 2000, we have collected country-based laws that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. DREDF is providing this collection of laws in order to foster sharing of information and encourage the international dialogue on disability anti-discrimination."
- Countries (International Disability Alliance)Disability-related news, resources and events related to specific countries.
Get Started!
- Encyclopedia of Disability byISBN: 9780761925651The Encyclopedia of Disability is an award-winning five-volume set from SAGE Reference. It represents the first attempt to bring an authoritative reference resource to the many faces of disability. More than 500 world-renowned scholars have written over 1000 entries, in a clear, accessible style, with the desire to bring all students, researchers, and others closer to the daily experience of disability.
- International Labor and Employment Laws (Bloomberg Law)Published by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, this ebook provides comparisons of labor and employment laws for over 40 countries, as well as information specific to the European Union and NAFTA treaties. Additional topics covered include litigation of international employment disputes, compensation for internationally mobile executives, and negotiation of expatriate employment agreements.
- Disability Through the Life Course byISBN: 9781412987677This volume in the SAGE Reference Series on Disability explores issues involving disability through the life course. With a balance of history, theory, research and application, specialists set out the findings and implications of research and practice for others whose current or future work involves the care and/or study of those with disabilities, as well as for the disabled themselves.
- Employment and Work byISBN: 9781412992923This volume explores issues facing people with disabilities in employment and the work environment. Part of the 8 volume SAGE Reference Series on Disability, which examines topics central to the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families.
- The Disability Studies Reader byISBN: 9781138930230This book addresses the post-identity theoretical landscape by emphasizing questions of interdependency and independence, the human-animal relationship, and issues around the construction or materiality of gender, the body, and sexuality. Selections explore the underlying biases of medical and scientific experiments and explode the binary of the sound and the diseased mind. The collection addresses physical disabilities, but investigates issues around pain and invisible disabilities as well.
- Disabilities Sourcebook byISBN: 9780780813847Basic consumer health information for people with disabilities and their caregivers about impairments caused by birth defects, sensory and communication disorders, learning disabilities, chronic illness, injury, and trauma, along with facts about assistive technologies, special education and legal, employment, and financial issues. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources.