Multidisciplinary Article Search
- Articles and Full Text SearchAccessible from the Library Homepage
(CAUTION: Full-text searching creates huge search results.)
How to find articles
The Steps
- Find a database by browsing the list here or under Databases subjects
- Click on the link to get into the database
- Search the database for articles
How to locate an article
Not all articles are available full text! If an article isn't available full text through a database...
Use Get it! Cornell to jump into the Library Catalog to search for the journal by title (not the article title). Once you locate the journal in the Library Catalog (online or print), then determine if we have the volume/year you need
If there is no Get it! Cornell link/button, take the title of the journal NOT the title of the article, into the Library Catalog to find the physical location and/or full text availability of the volume you need.
If you cannot locate the article, ask a Librarian!
Essential Databases
- America: History & LifeAmerica: History and Life (AHL) is a complete bibliographic reference to the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Published since 1964, the database comprises over 530,000 bibliographic entries for periodicals dating back to 1954. Additional bibliographical entries are constantly added to the databases from editorial projects such as retrospective coverage of journals issues published prior to 1954.
- JSTORJSTOR is a fully-searchable database containing the back issues of several hundred scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, music, ecology and botany, business, and other fields. It includes the following collections: Arts & sciences I, II and III, General science, Ecology and botany, Business, Language and literature.
- Performing Arts Periodicals DatabaseFormerly the International Index to the Performing Arts (IIPA) covers dance, film, television, drama, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, broadcast arts, circus performance, comedy, storytelling, opera, pantomime, puppetry, and magic. Full text from 1999 onward.
- Sociology Source UltimateAn expanded version of SocINDEX, including greater coverage of peer-reviewed journals, international resources and open access titles. Provides citations and direct links to the texts of journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings, some as far back as 1880. Comprehensive coverage encompassing sub-disciplines and related areas of the social sciences, including labor, crime, demography, economic sociology, immigration, ethnic, racial and gender studies, family, political sociology, religion, development, social psychology, social structure, social work, socio-cultural anthropology, social history, theory, methodology, and more.”
- Ethnic NewsWatchEthnic NewsWatch is a full-text collection of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press from 1960.
- Web of ScienceChoosing "All Databases" allows you to search an index of journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
News Sources
- Factiva
The Newsstand section on the default home page of Factiva shows the last two weeks of the following news sources—every article, mainly plain text (some graphics)—New York Times, Wall Street Journal (U.S. edition, Europe edition, and Asia edition), Washington Post, Investor’s Business Daily, and the BBC. The Library subscribes to this database, so all Cornell has access.
The content of all publications covered in Factiva is also searchable. Click on the Search button in the top bar. - Financial Times/
The Library provides free online access. From the catalog record, follow the link to set up your free account. All faculty, students, and staff have access.The default edition is the “International Edition.” You can switch to the UK Edition on the homepage.
- New York Times/
Cornell undergraduates can sign up for unlimited, free access to The New York Times online. Funded by the Student Assembly.
The Law Library funds unlimited, free access to for Law School students, faculty, and staff.
Graduate students, faculty and staff can get an education discount.
Articles from the NYTimes can also be accessed via multiple databases provided by the library. - Wall Street Journal/
Available to all faculty, students, and staff at Cornell. To register, select your account type from the dropdown menu, add a password, and agree to the Privacy Policy.
- Washington Post/
if you are an Amazon Prime member, you can have unlimited access to for 6 months by signing in using your Amazon login. After 6 months, you will be charged $3.99/month if you don't cancel. Otherwise, access is limited to a few articles per month for nonsubscribers.
Alternative access:
Current and recent articles (last 2 weeks) from the Washington Post in plain text format are available on Factiva’s Newsstand page.
Additional historical access provided through ProQuest Historical Newspapers and ProQuest Recent Newspapers.