Finding Books
How to find books in Olin Library
The Cornell University Library uses the Library of Congress classification system.
Narrowing results
On the library catalog search page, the "Limit your Search" function provides options to help you narrow your search results including how you'd like to access resources (online, physical) and in what format (book, journal/periodical, microform, etc.).
Subject Browse
Use the Subject Browse feature to discover books in the catalog :
Lawrence, Jacob, 1917-2000 > Criticism and interpretation
Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 1848-1933
Arts and crafts movement > United States
Cézanne, Paul, 1839-1906 > Criticism and interpretation
Looking for more ebooks?
Catalogs: Learn to search library catalogs effectively to locate books and other relevant materials
Art & Architecture ePortal
The Art & Architecture ePortal is a collection of key backlist and out-of-print scholarly works in the fields of art and architectural history published by: The Art Institute of Chicago, The MIT Press, Yale University Press, Harvard Art Museums, and the Yale University Art Gallery.
The portal allows browsing of all images (by artist, title, or date)
Instructors may easily create custom coursepacks.
Free eBooks
Free eBooks from Guggenheim Museum (via Internet Archive)
Five decades of Metropolitan Museum publications, downloadable, for free.
National Gallery of Art Online Editions
Getty Publications Virtual Library: Free digital backlist titles from the Getty Publications Archive.
Canadian Online Art Book Project (original works commissioned by the Art Canada Institute)