Recorded Webinars on Online Legal Instruction
- AALS: Top 5 Tips for Teaching Law OnlineAALS sponsored webinar, delivered on June 3, 2020 by Michele Pistone (Villanova). To watch webinar, click on link and register for free.
- CALI Short Course - Preparing for the Future of Legal Education - Online Teaching Tips & TechniquesCALI mini-course on online teaching run live in June 2020. Video recordings, reading lists, and other resources can be found under the "Sessions": tab.
- AALS Section of Technology, Law and Legal Education WebinarsIncludes a number of webinar recordings on teaching online in the current COVID-19 environment
- AALS 2020 Discussion Group: Discussion Group -- Online And Hybrid Learning Pedagogy Best Practices And Standards DevelopmentRecording from the January 2020 AALS program on online and hybrid learning. This is a pre-pandemic take on the topic, but does offer some good thought points in addressing the work that still needs to be done in the field of online legal education.
Resources Specific to Online Legal Education
- PrawfsBlawg: Five Steps to Designing a Physically Distanced/Hybrid/Remote CourseOffers five concrete steps to redesigning a physically distanced, hybrid, or remote course.
- Caution for Law Professors Who Plan To Generate Their Own ContentJosh Blackman at The Volokh Conspiracy reminds law professors that developing high-quality content is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive (July 17, 2020)
- CALI: Resources for Law Faculty On Remote Teaching Due To CoronavirusA wealth of resources compiled here (last updated March 31, 2020)
- Tips for Teaching Law Classes OnlineTips (including a video) from a law professor with previous experience teaching online.
- Thoughts and Tips on Teaching with ZoomJosh Blackman (South Texas College of Law Houston) shares his thoughts (March 12, 2020)
Current Awareness
- AALS Legal Education NewsContains links to a number of articles about adjusting to online instruction
- Twitter thread from Professor Orin Kerr at BerkeleyA good review of an experience migrating a traditional in-person class online (for the current COVID-19 emergency).