Print Biographical Indexes
- Black Biography, 1790-1950: A Cumulative Index.Call Number: Olin Library Reference E 185.96 .B616; Africana Library Reference E 185.96 .B533 and E 185.96 .B533 Suppl.Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey, 1991.
3 volumes plus supplement (Ann Arbor: Bell & Howell, 2000).
These print volumes index the full text of the biographies on the microfiche set published by Chadwyck-Healey and available from the Library Annex. Library Annex Microfiche 6 consists of 297 fiche. Library Annex Microfiche 11 consists of 50 fiche of supplemental content. - IBN: Index Bio-bibliographicus Notorum HominumCall Number: Uris Library Stacks, A. D. White Z 5301 .L79 +Osnabruk: Feliz Detrich Verlag, 1972-2018.
Subscription cancelled after 2018.
1 volume in part B.
201 volumes in part C, section 1. Entries through Petit, Jean.
Part C: Corpus alphabeticum, section 1: Sectio generalis consists of brief entries that list famous people from all countries and all historical time periods, including birth and death dates and places, a brief statement of occupation and a list of biographical sources in which information on or portraits of a person are published.
4 volumes in part C, section 3, Sectio armeniaca.
2 volumes in part C, section 6, Sectio sinica cum supplemento coreano.
Part B (1973) lists the biographical publications cited in this work used to that date (List of the Evaluated Works). - Index to Spanish American Collective BiographyCall Number: Library Annex Z 1609 .B6 M96Boston: G.K. Hall, 1981. 4 volumes.
Series: Reference Publications in Latin American Studies.
Index to collective biographies of Spanish America, including general and specialized biographical dictionaries; Who's Who (and Quién es Quién) volumes; and general and subject encyclopedias. Also includes some literary anthologies and histories as sources of biography.