Online Encyclopedia & Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies.
Encyclopedias are great for, choosing a topic; educating yourself quickly; perspective on a topic; variant spellings, vocabulary, terminology; and bibliography.
- Gale Virtual Reference LibraryProvides searchable full-text e-book versions of many reference works, including multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company history compilations, consumer health references, and specialized handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. in a wide range of subject areas.
- Oxford African American Studies CenterComprehensive collection of scholarship focused on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture, coupled with precise search and browse capabilities. The Oxford African American Studies Center provides students, scholars and librarians with more than 10,000 articles by top scholars in the field.
Subject Guides
Research Guides can provide you with locating resources for a topic.