The main search box on the Library home page will retrieve material from several different sources: the CU Library catalog, article databases, and library websites.
The Cornell University Library Catalog is a database that includes records for materials held in Cornell's non-medical libraries. Use the box on the home page for quick searching for a title, author, or keyword. From the Library's home page, click on the “Catalog” link to go to it directly.
For more advanced searching, use the Advanced Search.
You will not find journal articles in the catalog. Only the titles of journals, magazines, and newspapers are listed along with the years and volumes that Cornell holds. See the next section for more information about finding journal articles.
Reminder: Books with the Call Numbers A to P are housed in Olin, Q to Z in Uris.
To search only the Library catalog, use the Catalog link on the main library home page.
Selecting "All Fields" from the drop-down next to the search box will retrieve matches for your search terms wherever they appear in the description of an item, but you can also limit them to title, author, subject, publisher, or call number.
If you find one book relevant to your subject, you can identify others by clicking on the subject heading in the record for that book.
Clicking on the subject heading will retrieve additional books about the same subject (link goes to the online version of this title).
If a book is checked out, click "request item" to initiate a request to borrow it from another institution.
The Cornell University Library uses the Library of Congress classification system.
Find ebooks by searching the Cornell Library catalog; most have individual title records. Use the "Online" filter to limit your search to ebooks.
Most ebooks are accessed on digital platforms which are not managed by the library. Different platforms have different features (and challenges).. For help with ebooks see this guide Ebooks at Cornell, or ask a librarian.