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ART 2103: First-Year Studio Research Workshop (Spring 2025): Articles

Library guide to accompany Oscar Cornejo & Julianne Hunter's Spring 2025 class

Recommended Periodical Databases

Image: screen shot of Cornell University Library home page with databases link highlighted

The Articles & Full Text feature on the main Library web page allows you to perform simple searches across multiple databases. Because the various databases are structured differently, search results may vary widely. For more precise searching, it's best to search the databases individually. Clicking on the Databases link will display a listing by subject area. Try the Art & Architecture subject area. For more options, see the Databases subjects list. Here are a few suggested databases to try:

Where are the journals?

Get it! Cornell

What is "Get it!"?

The Get it! Cornell link connects to the full-text of articles in places like Google Scholar or databases that only have article abstracts. (If you are off campus be sure to be logged in with your NetID and password, or use AccessAnywhere.)

Sometimes a direct link to full-text is not available on the Get it! Cornell page. In those cases, click the links to search the Library Catalog by ISSN or ISBN (preferred) or by title and determine whether we own or have access to the item, either online through another source or in print.

If the Library does not own or have access to the item you need, use the link on the Get it! Cornell page to request it through Interlibrary Loan or Document Delivery.

Scholarly? Non-Scholarly?

Determining whether or not an article is scholarly can be difficult.

This guide can help!

It helps you decide if your article falls into one of the following categories:

  • Scholarly
  • News and General Interest 
  • Popular
  • Sensational and Tabloid