How to search for articles
The Steps:
- Find a database by browsing the list here or from the Databases link on the library homepage.
- Click on the link to get into the database
- Search the database for articles
How to access an article
Not all articles are available full text! If an article isn't available full text through a database...
- Use Get it! Cornell to jump into the Library Catalog to search for the journal by title (not the article title). Once you locate the journal in the Library Catalog (online or print), then determine if we have the volume/year you need
- If there is no "Get it! Cornell" link/button, take the title of the journal not the title of the article, into the Library Catalog to find the physical location and/or full text availability of the volume you need.
- If you cannot locate the article, Ask a Librarian!
Classics Citation Abbreviations
In Classics scholarship, titles of journals as well as Classical texts are often highly abbreviated.
Access Anywhere for remote access
Access Anywhere is a bookmarklet that lets you quickly authenticate as a CU person, when you're off-campus. This allows you to access databases.
Recommended Specialized Databases
- AnthropologyPlusAs a compilation of the Anthropological Index and Anthropological Literature databases, Anthropology Plus is the world's most comprehensive index of bibliographic materials covering the fields of anthropology, archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research. This database offers worldwide indexing of all core periodical and lesser-known journals from the early 19th century to today, providing extensive indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, interdisciplinary studies, etc.
- APh: L'Annee PhilologiqueArticles and books about Antiquity.
- Academic Search PremierMultidisciplinary. Lots of full text. Newspaper, magazine, and scholarly journal articles. Lots of full text. Not always great on medieval topics. Good for book reviews
- Proquest Research LibraryMultidisciplinary. Lots of full text articles. Many peer reviewed. If the article is not available, use Get it Cornell or Ask a Librarian to find it.
- JSTORFull text of selected scholarly journals. Excludes recent issues (3-5 years).
Google Scholar - Get it Cornell
For most topics, Google Scholar is still supremely inferior to using a specialized database, but if you're going to use it, adjust your Google Scholar preferences so that "Get it Cornell" shows up in your search.
"Get it Cornell" will help connect you to full text articles in the Cornell journal collections.