CAA Style Guidelines
The College Art Association has a series of guidelines (based on the Chicago Manual of Style) for image captions.
Manage Information using Citation Software/PDF organizers/Image managers
Use citation management/pdf organizing software to save time and energy organizing and citing research materials. Zotero was designed for humanities and social sciences research. Developed at The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, it is particularly suited for historical sources.
is a free, open source, web-based tool for managing citations, organizing pdfs,and creating bibliographies.
For advice choosing a citation manager or managing information, contact us for a consultation!
ZoteroBib is a free, quick, and easy bibliography and citation maker that saves time and trouble.
Add sources using the ZoteroBib search box. Then, copy and paste the complete bibliography (or footnotes or in-text citations) into your paper in the citation style of your choice. (Note: As great as ZoteroBib is, it isn't perfect. Check your citations carefully using citation style guides or ask a librarian.)
Cited Reference Searching
In addition to Google Scholar, a number of subscription databases allow you to track the flow of research by including ways to identify references that cite or are cited by other scholarly sources. This is a quick, although perhaps not comprehensive, way to gauge the impact of individual publications. Consult the Cited Reference Searching guide for detailed instructions in performing cited reference searches.
Guidance on citation styles
Cite sources: Chicago Style
- Chicago Manual of Style
- CMOS Shop Talk
Frequently asked questions about Chicago citation style. - The Purdue Online Writing Lab
Provides excellent examples (for footnotes/endnotes and bibliographies) on how to cite using the Chicago citation style: books, periodicals, web sources, film & television, and much more. - Citing Images -- Chicago Style
Examples for how to cite an image using the Chicago Style, from the Colgate University Visual Resources Library
The Chicago Manual of Style by
Call Number: Olin Library Reference, Z253 .U69 2017 (at the Reference Desk)Publication Date: 2017
Cite Sources: MLA Citation Style
Cite sources accurately in order to use information ethically and responsibly
MLA Style Center (MLA's web site)
Provides some FAQ's; however, this site does not provide the full style manual online.- Purdue's OWL (Online Writing Lab) MLA Formatting and Style Guide
MLA Handbook by
Call Number: Shelved at the Reference Desk, LB2369 .G53 2016Publication Date: 2016