Why use academic subject and thematic encyclopedias?

The academic subject encyclopedias and handbooks listed here are useful for:

  •  choosing a topic
  •  educating yourself quickly
  •  perspective on a topic
  •  variant spellings, vocabulary, terminology
  •  identifying good sources and building bibliography

They are edited, curated sources of authoritative information.

Wikipedia can also be a good launch-pad for your research, providing background and suggesting sources.  Be sure to actively fact check:  compare your facts (especially facts from any wiki-based source) with other sources.

Social movements across Latin America (online handbook)

Use the "search within this book" feature:

Subject encyclopedias

Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political  Movements, ed. David A. Snow and others. (Wiley-Blackwell,  Online

     Tip:  Here's how to search only this title in the Wiley-Blackwell multi-title platform

     1. Click on "Search in this book." 


     2.  Use the "Reference Works Advanced Search" and consult "tips" as needed.