For most precise searching, search databases individually.
How to find articles
Three Steps
1. Find a database by browsing the list here, or on the Library home page's Databases by name or subject.
2. Click on the link to get into the database.
3. Search the database for articles.
Database Tips
Databases identify and locate articles published in magazines, journals, and newspapers. Many databases also index essays, book chapters, and monographs.
Tip 1: Many databases provide full-text of journal articles.
Tip 2: If the database does not provide full-text, use Get it! Cornell or search the library catalog for the journal title (or book title). This will provide you with Cornell's holdings of the journal (in both print and electronic form).
Tip 3: For more precise searching, it is best to search the databases individually (rather than using Articles & Full-Text search).
Recommended databases
Dialnet (University of La Rioja).
Dialnet es hemeroteca digital interdisciplinar que permite acceso gratuito a los sumarios de más de 9000 revistas, la mayoría de ellas hispanas publicadas en España y/o en español, aunque también incluye muchas revistas extranjeras en otros idiomas (inglés, italiano, alemán, francés...). Dialnet plus búsquedas (YouTube video)
- Hapi OnlineHispanic-American Periodicals Index. Multidisciplinary, social sciences and unique coverage of Latin American arts and letters. Bibliographic citations to articles, book reviews, documents, original literary works and other materials from 1970 to present.
- Historical AbstractsPublished since 1954, Historical Abstracts currently covers over 1,700 journals published worldwide in over forty languages. The database comprises over 720,000 entries from periodicals, with full-text links to over 135,000 articles and dissertations and masters' theses. Each year, the editors of Historical Abstracts add over 16,000 abstracts and citations, over 3,000 book citations, and over 1,200 citations of dissertations and masters' theses to the database from the current literature and publications. Additional bibliographical entries are also added to the database by editorial projects such as retrospective coverage of journal issues published prior to 1954.
- JSTORJSTOR is a fully-searchable database containing the back issues of several hundred scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, music, ecology and botany, business, and other fields. It includes the following collections: Arts & sciences I, II and III, General science, Ecology and botany, Business, Language and literature.
- Project MUSESearchable database that provides access to the full text of journals and ebooks published by university presses in the humanities, social sciences, and mathematics. Covers such fields as literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, and others.
- MLA International BibliographyThe premier scholarly bibliography covering languages, literatures, folklore, film and linguistics from all over the world. Online coverage back to 1926. Includes books, articles in books, and journal articles. Does not index book reviews.
What is the Summon/Search for articles?
"Articles & Full Text" searches some articles, e-books, audio files, and video files. It does not search the library catalog (print books and other physical items).
Summon doesn't search ALL library resources. Use subject-specific databases (link to the right of Articles & Full Text) for comprehensive or focused searching.