Key Resources

INVESTOR RELATIONS departments of publicly traded companies will often have a website with SEC filings, annual reports, presentations (including earnings calls), and press releases. This is an excellent starting place when researching a company. Find the investor relations website by searching the internet with the company name and the phrase "investor relations".


Capital IQ

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Factiva Tips

                Factiva logo            Use the Search Builder to focus your results by company, date, types of sources (e.g. Top Business News or press wires), length (WC = word count), and topic. For example, set the subject to Transcript to filter for earnings call transcripts and interviews. 

Below are some guidelines for creating a targeted search in Factiva which will allow you to weed out extraneous results.

For Articles Containing  Enter
Both the word Tesla and the exact phrase autonomous vehicles. Tesla and autonomous vehicles
Either Michelin or Firestone. Michelin or Firestone
At least 5 mentions of Microsoft. atleast5 Microsoft
Any words that begin with telecom. You must use at least 3 characters before the truncation (*) sign
and it must be used at the end of a word only.
Either globalization or globalisation, or other wildcard spellings. globali?ation
The words U.S. stock market and word count greater than 5,000, to identify longer articles about the stock market. Do not use commas in large numbers. U.S. stock market and wc>5000

Other resources

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

Primary versus Secondary sources
  Pros Cons
  • Understanding of what data is available and ability to use all of it.
  • Ability to custom analyze and model the data as you want.
  • Time consuming and/or expensive to collect.
  • May need to do additional work to compare companies side-by-side.
  • Readily available in downloadable format.
  • Easy to compare companies to each other with standardized data.
  • Potential for bias, inaccurate data, and/or missing information.
  • Data given "as is" which limits your options for analyzing.


Happy to help!

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Management Library Research Team
101 Sage Hall
Johnson Graduate School of Management
Cornell University